Gratitude for Freedom of Religion Part 12 A

April 29, 2021

Today is the 27th of April and yes it is a public holiday, Freedom Day. Keeping our theme in mind, An Attitude of Gratitude, one of the most important freedom`s which we enjoy in this country is the Freedom of Religion or religious practice.

There are many people living in many countries of the world, and mind you some of them might even be `Islamic countries` or at least so-called `Islamic countries`, that don’t have the freedom that we have or don’t have it to the extent which we have.
Let`s take China for example and look at the oppressed Uighurs who are living in detention camps and are forced to follow Chinese law and culture over their religious demands and preferences.

Look at countries that had communist rule and Muslims were forcefully fed during Ramadaan.
Look at countries till today that have banned the headscarf.

Now fortunately for us, South Africa is a secular state, with freedom of religion enshrined in the Constitution.
Chapter 2 of the Constitution of South Africa, containing the Bill of Rights, states that everyone has the right to freedom of religion, belief and opinion. Section 9, the equality clause, prohibits unfair discrimination on various grounds including religion. Section 15 allows religious observances in state and state-aided institutions, provided they follow public authority rules, they are conducted on an equitable basis and attendance is free and voluntary, and also provides for the recognition of religious legal systems and marriages that are not inconsistent with the Constitution. Section 31 protects the right of persons belonging to a religious community to practise their religion together with other members of that community and form voluntary religious associations.

Various other provisions of the Constitution relate to religion and religious freedom. Sections 185 and 186 provide for a commission for the promotion and protection of the rights of cultural, religious and linguistic communities. In addition, human rights such as the right to human dignity, the right to freedom of expression and the right to freedom of association relate indirectly to the protection of religious freedom.

So in South Africa we can practise our religion freely, we can dress according to our religion, we can congregate in gatherings, we can establish halaal slaughter houses and have halaal authorising bodies, we can build masjids and run madrassahs, we can openly deliver talks and lectures and they are not regulated by the government, we can operate Islamic radio stations, and the we can list will just go on……

……….. So perhaps it`s time we should consider this that we can also be grateful to Almighty Allah for granting us this great bounty.

So the next time when you feel the Athan is too loud, think of the areas where Athan is not even permitted over the loud speakers, when you want to abandon the Sunnah, think of the countries where it is not even allowed, when you feel shy or embarrassed to wear the headscarf, think of those countries that have banned wearing it, when you enjoying that lekker braai and devouring those chops, think of the countries where it is so difficult to get halaal meat.

The great fear is if we are ungrateful, it is not difficult for Allah to take away these many favours away from us.


Prime Spot!!!


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