Ebrahim Moosa – Radio Islam | 21 July 2016
Daily, our lives present each of us with a bouquet of choices. Many of these revolve around matters of morality – choices between right and wrong, goodness and evil:
Are we to seal a lucrative deal to get some easy cash, even though the source is doubtful; should we bribe an officer or official just to secure some temporary gain; do we betray our trust to Allah and our loved ones by making illicit contact with a member of the opposite gender; will we give preference to the lure of some futile entertainment over an opportunity to obtain spiritual solace and religious knowledge – and the list goes on.
For youth wading through a period of huge decisions that will inevitably have a great bearing on their future, these choices are often even more formidable.
The choices we all make will ultimately dictate the destiny we deserve. As Allah SWT outlines in Surah Layl, He will make smooth the path of goodness (Jannah) for those who keep their duty to Him; whilst for those who deem themselves self-sufficient, and reject righteousness, the outcome will be great grief (Jahannum).
In essence, the choices we are faced with are Divinely ordained tests which check our capacity to distinguish between temporary gratification and everlasting bliss. As a Hadith teaches us, Jannah is surrounded by difficulties, and the Fire is surrounded by temptations.
In introducing the amazing Qari, Sheikh Mahmood Shahaat, during one of the recitals of his 2010 tour of South Africa, Sheikh Ismail Londt shared a poignant anecdote from the young Qari’s journey that speaks to the power and blessings that are to be reaped- even in this world – by giving preference to an obedience of the Commands of Allah, over what may appear to be a marvellous prospect, but is shrouded in sin.
Sheikh Ismail recounted wondering aloud how Sheikh Mahmood had managed to gain such proficiency in the Quranic sciences despite his young age.
“He narrated to me, said Sheikh Londt, “when he was 16 years old, he was invited to recite Qur’aan at a particular programme. There were several dignitaries in attendance, including the minister of arts and culture.
“Sheikh Shahaat said he recited a very short piece of the Qur’aan, with the recital lasting barely 10 minutes. Following the programme, he received a message stating that, on a particular day, at a particular time, he was required to present himself at the office of the minister.
“Not knowing what to expect, Sheikh Mahmood proceeded for the appointment. The minister presented him with an alluring offer: “I am offering you an opportunity of a lifetime. Doors will open for you. Life will change totally for you. I am going to arrange for you to sing at the Masrah(theatre) in Giza, where all the singers of the Arab world come and perform.”
“In spite of his misgivings of the offer, Sheikh Shahaat did not turn down the offer immediately, due to the ‘stature’ of the minister he was dealing with. Instead he thanked the politician for thinking of him and affording him a reception.
“Although his heart was not inclined towards the proposition, Sheikh Shahaat narrates that the novelty of the offer, and its promise to be ‘an opportunity of a lifetime’ that would ‘change his life forever’ did make him tussle with the idea for some time.
“Eventually developing a firm resolve on his choice to reject the offer, the Qari still had to navigate the uncertain terrain of choosing how to communicate his decision to the minister.
“Seeking guidance in doing that, Qari Mahmood turned to Allah SWT.
“He prayed: “O Allah! You have tested me through this offer that has come my way. I know that if I accept it, there will be plenty evil that will be attached to it. It will not just stop at the concert. There will be women and wine, and a plethora of other vices. So, O Allah! I am going to refuse it. But in its place, and in the place of the bad I would have experienced, substitute it with goodness in a similar amount””.
Sheikh Mahmood narrates that it was barely days before he was inundated with invitations to recite Qur’aan in locations he had not dreamt of visiting before. A number of gifts and Qur ‘aan related offers also showered his way.
Today Sheikh Mahmood is a shining star amongst a new generation of Egyptian Qurraa. He has travelled widely, having visited the UK, Germany, South Africa, Iran and Pakistan, amongst other countries.
Commenting on Sheikh Mahmood and his father’s – Sheikh ash Shahaat Muhammad Anwar (whom Sheikh Mahmood learnt from, and partly imitates) – quality of Quranic recital, Sheikh Ismail Londt writes that the manner of recitation can simply be described as “refined”.
The “pronunciation was exquisite…When looking at melody and presentation, one finds it flawless and polished as if each and every climb, turn and drop has been individually honed.”
What the Shahaat Qurraa have been blessed with, say Sheikh Londth, is “nothing but a truly Divine Gift. It is indeed a blessing to be able to listen and, more so, witness one of their renditions”.
In his introduction to Sheikh Mahmood’s recital in Cape Town that day, Qari Ismail Londt opined that the great frontiers of Qira-ah that Sheikh Mahmood had crossed in a relatively short time, and the worldwide acclaim that he has earned, was quite likely the result of that conscious choice of his to turn down that invitation to evil, and an answer to his Dua to Allah to replace it with something far better.
His virtuous choice had catapulted him to a vocation that Allah Willing renders its practitioner among the “best of people” [Hadith] and affords one the honour of becoming of the “family of Allah, and His special people”.
A crown of honour will be the embellishment of such individuals in the Hereafter, who will be told to rise and ascend to the extent that they had recited in this world.
Indeed, as Sayyidina Umar RA said, “Allah SWT elevates some people through this Book[Al Qur’aan], and debases others through it”.
Apart from the acknowledgement it offers on the weighty effect of choices we make in our lives, this anecdote also presents another valuable cue for all of us: Giving preference to the Qur’aan(in letter and spirit) over all matters that are comparatively lower, doubtful, and reprehensible. This could include choices such as our prioritisation, and affording greater value to the learning the Qur’aan and its sciences over other sciences -and doing the same for our children; steering clear of trying to trivialise or modify, to our liking, explicit Quranic commands; and not giving preference to spheres of Islamic art such as Anasheed over Quranic recital.
May Allah SWT also guide us into choosing what is right, over what is deceptively enticing; and may Al Qur’aan always be the leading light in our lives. Aameen