GAZA Travel Diary of Ejaz Khan, 28 August 2011

August 29, 2011
Jozi 2 Giza 2 Gaza

Diary Entry Number 4

So we decided to take a walk through Downtown Giza, and met up with "Mohamed" who offered to take us to the town for free if we agreed to visit his shop afterwards. Sounded a good deal, and we headed off. We needed drinkables and chewables for after iftaar, and he took us to a supermarket. For me, the priority was a BIS enabled sim card, so that I could get in contact with family and the Station. Little did we know, it would take most of the group (including me) TWO DAYS to come right, with most of the group members owning blackberry's.
After Taraweeh, we decided to go for the "Pyramids light and sound show." As we walked through the flashing lights of sound and light aka the cars of cairo, we decided to ask a local for directions. This man, named Nasser, was to become a great help for us in Egypt. He hailed a cab for us, and it cost us a paltry 2 Egyptian Pounds. He then asked us if we wanted to do the official Pyramids show that costs 200 Egyptian Pounds for 45 mins or "zee local way" We opted for the latter. And we climbed to the roof of a restaurant and watched the whole show for free 🙂
The next day, we decided to visit the Islamic sites of which there are plenty of in Cairo. Nasser linked us up with his cousin,Ayman Mahmood Lifi. We called him Ayman, and when he drove badly, we scream Ay Man!!
He took us past Hazrat Amr Bin al Aas masjid and that's when our expedition began…


Prime Spot!!!


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