Further Ahadith regarding Laylatul Bara`ah

March 01, 2023

6. It is narrated from Hadhrat Aisha RA:

The Prophet of Allah ﷺ entered my room. He then removed his clothes (and lay down). Having barely rested, he got up, dressed and left my room. I was overwheImed by the suspicion that perhaps he had gone to one of his other wives. Hence I followed him and found him at Baqee (the graveyard of Medina) making dua for the forgiveness of the believers.

I thought: “May my parents be sacrificed for you, I am pursuing my suspicion while you are engaged in the matter of your Lord. I returned hurriedly to my room and was thus quite out of breath.

Rasulullah ﷺ soon returned and asked: ‘Why are you breathing so heavily, Aisha?” I related the incident as well as my suspicion to Rasulullah ﷺ

He then said to me: ‘0 Aisha, did you fear that Allah and His Messenger would deal unjustly with you?’ Jibreel (A.S.) came to me and said: This is the fifteenth night of Sha’baan. Allah emancipates during this night a multitude of people equivalent to the amount of hair on the goats of the tribe of Kalb. However, Allah does not look on this night at an idolater, a person who harbours enmity in his heart, one who severs family relations, a person who wears his trousers below his ankles, a person who disobeys his parents and the consumer of liquor.’

Rasulullah (S.A.W.) thereafter removed his cloth and asked: ‘0 Aisha, do you permit me to spend the night in Salaah?’ I replied: ‘May my parents be sacrificed for thee (indicating agreement). Rasulullah (S.A. W.) thereafter began performing Salaah.

During the night he made such a lengthy Sajdah that I feared that he had passed away. I therefore got up and felt for him (because there was probably no lamp in the room). My hand touched the sole of Rasulullah (S.A.W.’s) foot, due to which he moved. Having felt this movement. I then felt at ease. During the night I heard him saying,

اعوذ بعفوك من عقابك واعوذ برضاك من سخطك واعوذبك منك جل وجهك لا احصئ ثناءا علىك انت كما اثنىت علئ نفسك

I seek protection in Thy forgiveness from Thy castigation, and I seek shelter in Thy pleasure from Thy wrath, and I seek safety in Thee from Thee. I cannot fully praise Thee as Thou art have praised Thyself.

In the morning, I mentioned this to Rasulullah ﷺ. He advised: ‘Learn these words and teach them to others. Jibreel (A.S.) had taught them to me and commanded me to repeat these words during Sajdah.’ [Baihaqi]

7. It is narrated from Abu Musa Ash’ari (R.A.) that on the fifteenth night of Sha’baan, Allah Ta’ala looks at the creation and forgives the entire creation besides the idolators, and the persons who bear spite in their hearts. [Ibnu-Majah]


Prime Spot!!!


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