For any bump or bruise cut an onion in half and hold against the bruised area for a few minutes. The longer you leave it, the more effective the result. For sinus cut an onion in half and lay one half on either side of your head overnight. Onion is also excellent for bee stings; hold a piece against the sting for a few minutes.
For sprains apply the following: Grate an onion and add an equal part of salt. Place the mixture on the sprained area. Wrap gauze around it to hold the mixture in place. Over this, place a piece of glad wrap or plastic to allow the mixture to stay moist. Hold the whole thing together with a bandage or other piece of material. Leave this in place for at least 8 hours and if necessary repeat the procedure.
Take two tablespoons of turmeric, a little water, and one tablespoon of lime juice. Make a thick paste. Apply the thick paste to the sprain and wrap it using a bandage. Leave it on for at least ten hours
1 tsp of turmeric mixed with 1 egg white works wonder for sprains and bruising