Fasting Q & A

September 27, 2007

Q. During my fast, I had vomited. What is the condition of my fast.
A. If one has vomited involuntarily then the fast does not break even if it was more than a mouthful. However if one had through some means induced vomitting then if it was a mouthful the fast would break otherwise not.

Q. I’ve recently been told that the fasts missed because of Haidh (menstruation) have to be made up (i.e. Qadha). This will mean me making Qadha of more that one hundred fasts. Do I still have to make so many Qadha ?
A. Yes, these fasts will have to be kept. They do not have to be kept all at once but could be kept at intervals of once or twice a week. To default in this matter is a great sin. Fidyah for the missed fasts is only given when one does not have the ability to keep these fasts.

Q. Can one brush the teeth during the fast?
A. It is permissible, in fact advisable to brush one's teeth whilst fasting. However one should avoid using toothpaste and tooth powders as these are makrooh to use.

Q. If a woman misses her fast due to menstruation, must she keep 3 fasts for every fast missed?
A. No, She has to keep one fast Qaza for each of her fasts missed during menstruation.

Q. Is it compulsory for a pregnant woman to fast?
A. If a pregnant woman can manage fasting then she should do so. However if an experienced and pious Muslim doctor advises her that fasting would be detrimental and dangerous for either her life or the child then she may delay the fasts and make Qaza of it when she is in the position to do so.

Q. It is apparent that injections administered in the muscles do not break the fast, but will intravenous injections, which also appeases ones appetite, break the fast?
A. The fast is not invalidated by injecting medicine or food into the body.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best. (Fataawa Raheemiyyah, Vol 2, pg 30)


Q . If a person mistakenly eats during a nafl fast, then does the fast break?
A.No. Eating by mistake does not even break the fardh fast let alone the nafl fast.

Q. Can Mendhi be applied whilst fasting?
A. Yes, Applying mendhi does not nullify the fast.

Q. What is the status of my fast if I use medication in my eyes which leaves an after taste in my throat?
A. Your fast is still valid.



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