Family – Part 4

April 07, 2022

Functions of a Family

Family function refers to the ways in which a family system operates, as well as what the system, as a whole, provides to each member of the family. Keep in mind that families are all unique and what one individual may consider being family may not apply to others.

As a social group and an important social institution, family performs various functions in human society. Different sociologists have viewed or classified the functions of the family into different forms but still, all of them emphasize the same aspects in a different manner. In general, family functions include meeting basic needs to all of its members, as well as providing warmth, comfort, and socialization.

Essential and Nonessential Functions of Family:

Sociologists have divided functions of the family into essential (primary functions) and nonessential (secondary functions) functions.

Today we look at the essential or primary functions of a family and in sha Allah tomorrow we will run you through the nonessential functions.

Essential functions are those functions that are basic or fundamental in nature and no other institution can perform these functions as successfully as a family can.

This generally includes four functions:
stable satisfaction of sex needs
production and rearing of children
provision of a home

Stable satisfaction of Sexual needs: It is a well-known fact that sexual desire is the most important and powerful instinct and natural urge of human beings. It is the primary duty of the family to satisfy the sexual desire of its members in a stable and desirable way that is allowed for by the Shariah. Through the mechanism of marriage, it regulates the sexual behaviour of its members. Because the satisfaction of sex instinct brings the desire for life long partnership between husband and wife.

Procreation (reproduction) and Rearing of Children: It legitimizes the act of reproduction. It institutionalizes the process of procreation. By performing this function of procreation, family contributes to the continuity of families and ultimately the human race. Not only is the production of children but also child-rearing is done by the family. It takes care of the child at the time of need.

Provision of Home: It provides an individual with a home and establishes enduring social relationships. It is only in a home that children are born and brought up under the strict vigilance of all its members. It is the home where all the members live happily with comfort, peace, and protection. A home provides emotional and psychological support to all its members.

Socialization: It is one of the primary agents of socialization. The primary socialization of any individual takes place within the family. The immediate house members teach all the basic norms, values, morals, and ideals of society to a child. They learn the culture and acquire character through the process of socialization. Their personality develops in the course of their living in a family.


Prime Spot!!!


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