[LISTEN] Family Breakfasts at Al Aqsa and Other Palestine Stories

September 07, 2021

Umm Muhammed Umar

Palestinian prisoner Anhar al-Deek has secured freedom to give birth at home. Radio Islam interviewed Hafidh Ibraheem Moosa on the latest developments regarding her plight. The interview was a follow up of the grave situation discussed on Radio Islam last week, the heavily pregnant Palestinian mother was being detained by the Israeli occupation.

Anhar, due anytime now, would have, if not released, had to face the prospect of giving birth in an Israeli prison shackled to a bed. She would also have had to face the prospect of raising a new-born in an Israeli prison. Hafidh Ibraheem said, “So following appeals from the Palestinian detainees commission, she was released last week Thursday, on a 40 000 shekel bail.” He said that the amount (to the tune of roughly R180 00) was exorbitant, just for Anhar to gain a temporary freedom. According to the conditions of release set by the military court, Anhar will have to stay at the family home in the village of Kafr Nama. Hafidh Ibraheem said, “for the moment it’s obviously been emotional reunions with her infant child, her parents, and her husband.” Anhar performed a sajdah of gratitude after leaving the prison gates, in thanks to Allah for her release. She also thanked all who raised their voices to demand her release, saying that words could not express the joy and appreciation she felt for all that had been done for her and her baby at this very critical stage of her pregnancy. Hafidh Ibraheem said that once Anhar gave birth she would still have to face the Israeli military court system, which is intensely oppressive to Palestinians.

Meanwhile, China has been making very strategic, high-profile investments in Israel over the last few years, particularly, in the technology sector. Hafidh Ibraheem said that the investment features a new terminal at the port of Haifa, which opened last week. The $1.7 billion terminal is to be managed by the Chinese state-owned Shanghai International Port Group, on a 25-year management agreement. It remains to be seen as to how the United States reacts to this. Hafidh Ibraheem said that the US navy makes frequent stops at this particular port and that the Israeli Navy also has a big military base adjacent to the port. He said that the director of the CIA had recently raised these concerns with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. Hafidh Ibraheem added, “and previous to this also, the Trump administration had asked Israel to stop this kind of investment by Chinese companies, particularly in the telecommunications sector, and they’ve also asked Israeli officials to inspect the port to see if there’s any Chinese surveillance on that particular port.”

Similarly, in the port of Ashdod, there is another major construction underway by other state owned Chinese owned engineering companies. In terms of a Chinese stance relating to the Palestinians, however, analysts say that they’ve seen China make symbolic gestures that really don’t make any effective changes on the ground for Palestinian justice. While China still styles itself as being supportive of the Palestinians, it has built a close relationship with Israel. This relationship has been intensified based on investments and economic ties. Hafidh Ibraheem said, “And very often, its (China’s) support for the Palestinians is very cautious, and doesn’t go beyond rhetoric. He referred to former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s comment that Israel’s economic ties with China was a marriage made in heaven.

Another great Palestinian campaign to build an attachment with Masjid al Aqsa, following on the heels of the great Fajr campaign, which began a few years ago, to encourage attendance at al Aqsa as well as masaajid across Palestine, the latest campaign is something that tries to get individual families to compete with each other to get the largest amount of extended family members to come to Masjid al Aqsa, particularly on a Friday morning. Hafidh Ibraheem says the campaign has been going strong for a few weeks now. a day or two before, a particular family will issue an invitation via social media, for all extended family, even those from some distance, should gather at the masjid on Friday morning. They typically would gather for Fajr salaah, and after that, make their strength known, by gathering as an entire family on the steps of the Dome of the Rock.  An elder of the family would address the entire family gathered, and express the family’s support and commitment to the cause of al Aqsa and encourage others to do the same. They then sit together for breakfast in the courtyard of Masjid al Aqsa.



Prime Spot!!!


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