Excitement Building As The ‘Sunnah Sports’ Retreat Draws Near

August 16, 2018

Mohamed Ameen Dabhelia – 2018/08/16

With less than a month for the ‘Sunnah Sports Retreat’, excitement is building up.

The 3 day event takes place at Qurtuba Complex in Linbro Park between the 14th and the 16th of September.

It sets to revive the Sunnah of our Nabi (SAW) in horse riding, archery and swimming.

“Whether beginner or advanced, this retreat is for you”

One of the coordinators of the retreat – told Radio Islam that ‘Sunnah Sports’ is an initiative whereby the physical Sunnah’s which tends to be overlooked will be revived.

“Alhamdulillah, there is a lot of emphasis also on reviving the Sunnah’s which deal with our ibaadah, with our daily life, and this is another aspect as well.”

“Coupled with this, we spend most of our time indoors and have lost our touch with the outdoors.”

Register at or call 083 976 1145 for more info.

Listen to the full interview with Ml Yusuf Bemath below:

Rasulullah (SAW) said: “Any action which is void of the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala is fallacious (lahw) except for four actions.
a) Walking between two targets, i.e. practicing with a bow an arrow/spear
b) Training one’s horse
c) Playing with one’s wife
d) Learning how to swim
(Sunan Nasai, Hadith: 8940 and Tabarani, Hadith: 1785)

Swimming is an activity that Nabi (SAW), encouraged his Blessed Companions (RA) to partake in and it was also advocated as central to the rearing of children.
The holistic teachings of our faith address the unique and distinct yet interconnected facets of the human being, namely the spiritual, rational and physical realities.
Swimming being an all-round physical exercise is among the reasons why it is recommended as modus operandi in the battle against cardiovascular illnesses and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Likewise it also has both told and untold effects with regards to the fortification of our intellectual and spiritual faculties.

Narrated by Uqbah ibn Amir (RA):
“Everything with which a man amuses himself is vain except three (things): a man’s training of his horse, his playing with his wife, and his shooting with his bow and arrow. If anyone abandons archery after becoming an adept through distaste for it, it is a blessing he has abandoned”
Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet said, “Hold on tight to archery as this is better for you”. Or he said, “It is the best from your games”. [at-Targheeb wa at-Tarheeb]

The Wonderful World of Horses
And [He created] the horses, mules and donkeys for you to ride and [as] adornment. And He creates that which you do not know.” [Qur’an: Chapter 16, Verse 8]
“By the racers, panting, and the producers of sparks [when] striking, and the chargers at dawn, Stirring up thereby [clouds of] dust, Arriving thereby in the center collectively…” [Qur’an: Chapter 100, Verses 1-5]
In these ayaat, Allah describes the grace and might of the horses charging into the battle field…
In Surah Al-Imran, Allah describes the deep hearted love that mankind has for certain things of this world, of which ‘fine branded horses’ (Wa’l Khayl) is mentioned.

(Extracted from Sunnah Sports Official Website)

Radio Islam International is the official media partner for this event.



Prime Spot!!!


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