November 05, 2007
I have the intention to observe a fast of the month of Ramadaan.

An Intention: every fast has to have a separate intention. Intention means inclination of the heart. It is not necessary to state it with the tongue. However it is better to read this duaa at night( Sehri time)

O Allah, I keep fast for You, so forgive my future and past sins.

·                                 Do Read “La illaha illallah” abundantly

·                                 Do beg for Jannah and protection from Jahannam

·                                 Do repent for all sins and be constant in seeking Allah’s  forgiveness(pardon)

·                                 Do observe the Fard Fast

·                                 Do remain occupied in the remembrance of Allah

·                                 Do increase the recitation of the Glorious Qur’an

·                                 Do be tolerant and maintain happiness with everyone

·                                 Do bring serenity, respect and honour in all actions

·                                 Do make humbleness prevalent in body, heart and soul

·                                 Do be punctual with all Fard salaah, as well as Taraweeh with  congregation

·                                 Do exercise patience

·                                 Do increase acts of charity and discharge sadaqatul fitr

·                                 Do increase Zikr and nafl ibaadah, especially in the last ten  nights.

    * Don’t speak without purpose
    * Don’t be vulgar, rude or swear
    * Don’t be irritable
    * Don’t backbite, tell lies or gossip
    * Don’t argue or fight
    * Don’t be boastful or arrogant
    * Don’t eat doubtful food
    * Don’t look at undesirable things
    * Don’t listen to objectionable speech
    * Don’t commit any sins with the eyes, hands, feet or ears


Prime Spot!!!


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