Does A Peace Process Still Stand At All For Palestine?

April 16, 2018

Mohamed Ameen Dabhelia – 2018/04/16

Many accounts have been written about the failure of the Palestinian peace process, and whether a peace deal still stands at all…

Hamas representative Khalid Al Qaddoumi told Radio Islam that for any peace deal to be viable it should have two conditions.

“It should be practical and implementable, the existing peace process was never a reality because it talks about ignoring 80% of the historical Palestine and recognizing it as Israel, and the remaining 20% will be dividable.”

President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, recently accused Hamas of orchestrating the explosion that targeted the convoy of Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah as he entered the Gaza Strip last week.

So, could this jeopardize the unity government?

Al Qaddoumi says it is unfortunate that President Abbas concerns himself with ‘unserious’ business.

“This is not an attitude of a president who is serious to proceed further for the unity and that’s because there’s too much drama of so called assassinations, instigated by other parties.”

Al Qaddoumi stressed that they are waiting for President Abbas or Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah to provide them with evidence on what had happened, in order for the necessary steps to be taken.

He adds that the ‘great return march’ is an excellent rally used by the Palestinian people to express themselves.

“Who have in a very peaceful processions and movements in front of the international community to express their own major legitimate rights and the right to return to their own land.”

Listen to the full interview with Hamas Representative Khalid Al Qaddoumi –


Prime Spot!!!


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