Divine Light Amidst Modern Darkness – Nurul Islam Seerah Jalsa wrap-up

February 20, 2013
The Nurul Islam Masjid in Lenasia was venue to lively, applicable and thought-provoking lessons from the life of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) on Sunday, Feb 17, 2013. Lenasia’s third annual Seerah Programme drew a crowd of approximately 1500 people from the Gauteng region and beyond who were blessed to listen to our more famous Muslim Orators; Ml Abdullah Dhabelia, Ml Ebrahim Bham, Ml Sulaiman Moola and Qari Ayub Ishaq. (May Allah preserve them.) There were also na’at recitals by Hafidh Muhammad Arbee and Haafidh Muhammad Omar Ba Shiekh.

Themed ‘Divine Light amidst Modern Darkness’ and emceed by popular, effervescent Morning Drive presenter on Radio Islam, Moulana Sulaimaan Ravat, the event provided a learning and social element and was well received. The 5-part podcast is available on the Radio Islam website. Below, a brief summary of the key points the individual scholars mentioned.

Moulana Ravat reminded the attendees to 1- recite durud as often as possible 2- study at least one new kitaab on the life of our beloved Nabi (pbuh) annually 3- implement a new sunnah once a week. He highlighted the case of Imam Malik (ra) who would respond to juristic issues almost immediately, yet when asked to narrate ahadith would leave the gathering to bath, apply itr, don a turban etc in deference to our beloved Nabi (pbuh), before narrating his words. He drew parallels between the respect Imam Malik’s work is received due to his respect for the legacy of Rasullullah (pbuh) and our own lives if we implement seerah lessons with even a fraction of deference. He also reminded attendees and listeners over the Radio Islam airwaves (on which the event was live streamed) that those who recite excessive daily salawaat; those who enliven the sunnah of our beloved Nabi (pbuh); and those who go out to assist the Muslim ummah would be among those under the shade of the Throne on the Day of Qiyamah. Insha Allah.

Moulana Abdullah Dhabelia’s message was profoundly simple. He highlighted the importance of basic sunnah’s that have fallen away, and encouraged realignment toward punctuality on what many deem to be unimportant basics. He cited examples through our Nabi’s (pbuh) own punctuality on salaah; his individual recitation of the Quran (1/7 portions daily); his constant dhikr of Allah via istighfaar etc and his emphasis on individual supplication/dua. Moulana also shared that Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) divided his home time into 3 sections – worship, family and self.   Thus Moulana concluded that to evade the all-pervasive darkness of our modern era we need to hold fast to this basic charter.

Moulana Ebrahim Bham first used the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah  as an example  where the Muslim’s were evidently on the back foot, yet turned the Disbelievers’ prejudice to their advantage. He highlighted how the Believers (through their conduct and character) were able to convince their enemies of the Truth.  Allama Shibli (ra) stated that it was through the intermingling of the people of Makkah and Madinah that the disbelievers were able to observe their character and convinced they were True. Moulana questioned whether we do the same in our interactions and remove hostility instead of creating it when we mingle with non-Muslims? “Let him who knows not Allah, but knows you, know Allah by knowing you.”

Moulana Bham then used the letter the Prophet (pbuh) wrote to Heracles, Caesar of Byzantium after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah and his response in Palestine to highlight the many realities of Nubuwwah. Noteworthy, were that Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) addressed Heracles by his esteemed Roman title (even though he may have not accepted it) and despite Heracles’ praise of the Prophet (pbuh), he would not accept Islam.  The respected Aalim then questioned whether we would treat our Nabi (pbuh) the same way, accepting of his truth, but indifferent to implementing his message?

Moulana Sulaiman Moola in his oft copied, yet inimitable style read several Arabic couplets thereby urging the study and understanding of the Arabic language, highlighted an innate quality of life in this world: turbulence. He explained via various examples in the life of Nabi (pbuh) and his Companions how they addressed any turbulence (social, marital, family, commercial, professional etc) by diffusing tension, lightening tense moods, overlooking and using positive body language. To attract light into our dark tunnels we need the broadness of his shoulders and wisdom of his eyes (pbuh). He concluded as he had started with the hadith citing good fortune for one who is a key to happiness and misery for one who is a lock to it.

~ By Umm Abdillah – Radio Islam Programming ~


Prime Spot!!!


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