COVID-19: A call for digital transformation

December 01, 2021

By Hajira Khota                                                                                                                                                         01.12.2021

COVID-19 has forced several companies into unknown territory in the last 18 months or more in order to limit the spread of the virus. The facilities management sector has had to react to these developments by creating bespoke solutions to assist clients.

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, much has been stated about how the pandemic has hastened business and consumer adoption of digital and contactless solutions.

Servest’s Group Digital Transformation director, Khaya Mbanga says that they are integrating smart technologies like building information modelling (BIM), which provides clients with many benefits such as better asset management, improved business continuity during power outages, increased workspace utilisation, and improved cyber security.

“As we continue to create and deploy these solutions, we must remember not to alienate users in the process, but rather to ensure that the solutions we adopt offer value and improve the customer’s user experience”.

South Africa is experiencing an energy crisis, since current electricity generating capacity is insufficient to satisfy demand. As a result, many asset owners have decided to invest in backup generators in order to maintain business continuity during the more regular power outages.

The facilities management industry has had to be agile and adapt to these changes as more companies and organisations implemented a work from home policy in the last 18 months or so in an effort to reduce the spread of the contagion by developing customised solutions to support its clients in managing their facilities more optimally with a lower occupancy rate.

As more people work from home, they need more reliable connectivity and a secure VPN to connect to their business systems. Remote working means being removed from industry-grade firewalls in the office, therefore information security for employees working remotely remains one of the top major concerns.

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