Consumer Rights: Part 3

March 17, 2021

Your Responsibilities as a Consumer

Along with rights come responsibilities. As a consumer, you have the responsibility to educate yourself. If information about a product is available, you have the responsibility to read that information and to use the product the way it is intended.

The Responsibility to Be Informed

Responsible consumers know what they are buying. When you shop for food, read the labels for nutritional facts. Product labels can tell you how much salt, sugar, fat, or protein a product contains. When you shop for clothes, read the labels to find out what materials they contain. The labels will also indicate how the clothes should be cleaned. Before making a major purchase, you should always do some homework. Some consumers actually take the time to read reviews about the products. This can be very helpful because these are real and true experiences of how others found the products to be. There is also lots of information on the Internet. Consumer magazines contain very useful information to evaluate and rate products. It is your responsibility to learn about products before buying them.

The Responsibility to Choose Carefully

Responsible consumers make comparisons to find the best product or service at the best price. Which electronics company offers the best guarantee? Which cars have the best record for reliability? Which computer will best fit your budget and your needs? It pays to take time to make comparisons. You can examine the options and prices and then make an educated choice.

The Responsibility to Use Products Safely

Consumers must follow the instructions provided in product manuals or other materials on the safe use of products. For example, a consumer must read the label of a cold remedy to find out its recommended dosage. If you know a product is unsafe, first contact the seller or producer about it. If no action is taken by the company, contact a consumer protection agency.

The Responsibility to Speak Out

Responsible consumers can help improve the policies and products of the businesses where they shop. They can let a company know if they are dissatisfied with its products or policies. Consumers also have a responsibility to report unfair, unsafe, and illegal business practices. This helps to protect other consumers from problems. If you object to a company’s policies or products, you could organize a boycott, a refusal to buy its goods or services. Boycotting is usually a last resort for consumers who have not received an adequate response from a company.

The Responsibility to Seek a Remedy

Part of being a good consumer is getting the best value for your money. You have a responsibility to seek a remedy for a defective product. If you plan to exchange an item or get a refund, you must take back the item, the receipt, and any warranties or guarantees that came with it. If the store cannot solve the problem to your satisfaction, you should contact the manufacturer or a consumer organization for help.


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