Police Minister Bheki Cele says two hundred and thirty thousand people have been charged for contravening the COVID-19 lockdown regulations.
Cele was briefing the media on Friday on the levels of compliance with the country’s lockdown regulations.
Cele says authorities have visited a number of provinces where high incidents of non-compliance were observed.
“The 230 000 cases opened includes since the start of the lockdown people have allegedly contravening the following regulations: liquor related offences, cigarette related offences, illegal gathers, failure to confine to place of residence.”
Cele says police officers have also been infected with the Coronavirus.
“There are 121 stations countrywide where members have tested positive and the stations were decontaminated with the Western Cape being hardest hit.”
Cele says those arrested for contravening the lockdown regulations were issued with fines or released with warnings while some were out on bail and cases relating to more serious offenses were before the respective courts around the country.
Faizel Patel