By Mumtaz Saley-Moosa 22:02:2022 It seems that people would do just about anything to get internet fame these days, as...
By Mumtaz Saley-Moosa 22:02:2022 It seems that people would do just about anything to get internet fame these days, as...
When it comes to an artist, or an author the lines are clear- we very clearly can see the difference between work that...
By Naseerah Nanabhai 16:02:2022 Not many things in life can give you a feeling of fulfilment, like pursuing your...
By Mumtaz Moosa Saley 26:05:2020 Recently I purchased my staple fresh produce, I have noticed that food items prices have increased compared to pre-lockdown. Initially, it was a small increase, so I took to social media to see what others had to say about staple...
In recent weeks since the lockdown, there has been much talk from different quarters regarding several issues ranging from conspiracy theories to corruption. At first, my natural curiosity drove me to follow some conversation threads which sometimes gave an...
By Mumtaz Moosa Saley As we enter 50 days since the start of lockdown many cigarettes smokers have become innovative in finding their nicotine fix. Most store owners will tell you how they're asked "make a plan, while some foreign store owners have put up posters...
As the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic and President Cyril Ramaphosa announcing that most of South Africa will drop to level 3 of the coronavirus national lockdown, it’s belived that businesses will never be the same again. With the spread of COVID-19, outlooks on...
Umm Muhammed Umar 17 Checkers and Shoprite stores in the Western Cape have been hit by the coronavirus. The WC Department of Health said more than 200 supermarket workers have tested positive for COVID-19. The 17 Shoprite Group stores have been closed. The Group said...