Social (opinion) Articles

We have became our parents

By Mumtaz Moosa Saley 09:12:2021 As the door of the fridge opens for the nine millionth time, and my kids are on their third breakfast for the morning, I sit typing out my article on "How am I to handle the rest of this holiday?"  Somewhere in our minds, we have all...

Gangsterism and the impact on our children | Is there hope for escape from Cape Town’s gang life for our children?

Shakirah Hunter   Usually when one receives news about gangsterism there is always this association with fear, death, and the negative impact that members of gangs have on society. We constantly look at gangsters as being hardened criminals and once they have...

Productive Life Coaching: Burnout

PRODUCTIVE LIFE COACHING: BURNOUT By Zainub Jada 04:12:2021 Have your job expectations left you completely drained and running on empty? Struggling to find the reserves to make it through the day? Are you completely down out and at a point that you just can’t anymore?...

The journey of remarrying after the loss of a loved one /after divorce

Shakirah Hunter In the moments after the loss of a beloved spouse, whether through death or divorce, the initial reaction of our community is one of support and comfort. But as we move on from those initial moments of grief, there comes about a more real need and...