Social (opinion) Articles

How Crash Diets Harm Your Body?

How to navigate our kids’ friendships and their playdates

Shakirah Hunter Loneliness can be a test that we are unable to navigate as adults and can find it extremely challenging to make friends and to navigate the social rules of friendship. Creating social connections begin in our childhood. Although some people might be...

Skills Acquisition in the New Year

By Shakirah Hunter 22:12:2021 In an ever-changing world, with our knowledge skillset needing to be updated constantly - we are constantly in the tug-of-war of needing to develop ourselves but never seeming to have the time to do so. Our schooling systems have been...

5 ways to assist you in creating a work- life balance as a Muslim

Shakirah Hunter For the longest time, work has been our defining factor. Our only measure of success. As young children we barrel through our schooling career trying to get to a ‘finish line’. This magical place that allows us to rest. As adults in the workplace, we...
I Feel Alive!

I Feel Alive!

I Feel Alive! Recently, Radio Islam held a three-week fitness challenge. The “Walkie Talkie Challenge” began at the beginning of September with the onset of spring. The aim was to inspire all our listeners to get fit, starting with the station's presenters. All...

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