Social (opinion) Articles

What to do with your first pay cheque?

Shakirah Hunter As young people make the transition from student to having a steady job, the excitement of having a steady job can overshadow our common sense. A new job brings with it the desire for more things 0 we want to purchase a new car and all the things that...

How to develop the skill of listening actively.

Shakirah Hunter Opinions are everywhere. We are inundated with information on every topic possible. And we too have opinions on every topic possible. But the question is: who is listening – who has taken the time to quiet their own responses to listen. It has become...

The conflicting sides of grief and sorrow. Grieving whilst the world moves on

Shakirah Hunter Recently I had been doing a show , focusing on our expectations of Allah and how to keep our mindframe positive. We were having a lovely conversation when a caller called in and thanked us for the topic and then she went on to speak about the...

South Africa’s political risk profile has gone up a few notches: but it’s not yet a failed state

In July, South Africa suffered the worst violence since the 1990s. Highways were blocked and businesses, warehouses and other property looted and set alight. More than 300 people died. In mid-October, people were again shocked when a group of men, said to be Somali...