Social (opinion) Articles

Car guard with a dream

By Mumtaz Moosa-Saley 01:02:2022 Over the last few years, on a busy street in the north of Johannesburg, a local car guard has gotten to know me, and I got to learn about his story of why he is a car guard. When the hard lockdown happened, I was worried about him and...

Does online shopping chip away at our Iman whilst making our lives easier?

Shakirah Hunter I wake up early in the morning and after my morning routines, it’s a deeply ingrained habit in the twenty first century to reach for my phone and swipe through status updates. At times they are full of positive messages, inspirational ayaat and...

How to keep your kids safe online

By Mumtaz Moosa-Saley 27:01:2022 As a parent, I'm very aware of the dangers lurking at every corner, in the real world and online. With that, many parents have opted not to allow their children a cellphone, but as parents, we also cannot hold them back forever.   ...

Selective Mutism

By Naseerah Nanbhai 26:01:2022 Selective mutism, also known as childhood anxiety disorder, is the inability to speak or communicate in specific settings. It can start as early as two years of age, and those who suffer from it may experience significant problems in...
Black Friday

Black Friday

Naseerah Nanabhai 10-11-2020 In the 1950s the term ‘Black Friday’ was initially used to describe the chaos that ensued on the day after Thanksgiving when hordes of suburban shoppers flooded into the city of Philadelphia before a big army-navy football game held on...

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