Social (opinion) Articles

Rediscovering your passion and becoming a happier you

By Naseerah Nanabhai 16:02:2022 Not many things in life can give you a feeling of fulfilment, like pursuing your passion. A sense of triumph and accomplishment that ignites your spirit and makes your life feel more meaningful is what most of us yearn for. By...

Hard work or overnight wonder – what does it take to be successful in business?

Shakirah Hunter It makes for an incredibly inspiring story – a young man who took money given to him by the government and turns it into a success story. Many had lamented that R350 a month was such a little amount, and this suddenly turns the narrative around. A...

Productive Life Coaching: False Memory Syndrome

PRODUCTIVE LIFE COACHING: FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME By ZAINUB JADA 14:02:2022 People often think of memory as a video recorder, accurately documenting and storing everything that happens with perfect accuracy and clarity. In reality, memory is very prone to fallacy....

Will extended school days ensure equal education?

By Mumtaz Moosa Saley 14:02:2022 Over the recent weeks, you may have stumbled on the articles where the DA has said that schools should consider longer days to catch up on work missed during rotational days of 2022. Many schools have returned to regular class hours...