Mumtaz Moosa Saley | 1 min read | 14:00 The UN’s 27th conference on climate is set to begin on the...
Mumtaz Moosa Saley | 1 min read | 14:00 The UN’s 27th conference on climate is set to begin on the...
Mumtaz Moosa - Saley | 1 min read | 07:15 CAT In 2018, they launched a prototype behind the...
Neelam Rahim | 3 min read | 7:43 am CAT A South African company, IQbusiness, is one of the...
By Mumtaz Moosa-Saley 27:01:2022 As a parent, I'm very aware of the dangers lurking at every corner, in the real world and online. With that, many parents have opted not to allow their children a cellphone, but as parents, we also cannot hold them back forever. ...
By Naseerah Nanbhai 26:01:2022 Selective mutism, also known as childhood anxiety disorder, is the inability to speak or communicate in specific settings. It can start as early as two years of age, and those who suffer from it may experience significant problems in...
BY ZAINAB JADA MENTAL AND WELLNESS COACH 25:01:2022 Are you an honest person? Are you highly creative? Do you have strong moral/ethical standards? If so, you may be on your way towards achieving self-actualisation. DEFINITION The complete realisation of one's...
By Naseerah Nanabhai 19:01:2022 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely becoming part and parcel of our daily lives. Initially a large part of tech-driven industries, this revolution is now dominant in homes and businesses. As the demand for AI grows, data scientists...
BY ZAINAB JADA MENTAL AND WELLNESS COACH 11:01:2022 GOAL SETTING Have you thought about what you want to be doing in a year? Are you clear about what your main objective at work is now? Do you know what you want to have achieved by the end of today? If you...
Shakirah Hunter The life of a young person today is filled with so many different focus points, every parent desires to grant their children the very best education. Your desire is that they are well rounded- you would like them to be excellent students – yet at the...
Shakirah Hunter As young people make the transition from student to having a steady job, the excitement of having a steady job can overshadow our common sense. A new job brings with it the desire for more things 0 we want to purchase a new car and all the things that...
Shakirah Hunter Opinions are everywhere. We are inundated with information on every topic possible. And we too have opinions on every topic possible. But the question is: who is listening – who has taken the time to quiet their own responses to listen. It has become...
Shakirah Hunter Recently I had been doing a show , focusing on our expectations of Allah and how to keep our mindframe positive. We were having a lovely conversation when a caller called in and thanked us for the topic and then she went on to speak about the...