Opinion and Analysis Articles

Media Lens Report: Biden Meets With Middle East Leaders to Strengthen Ties

Umamah Bakharia  Last week, US president Joe Bidden met one-on-one with the leaders of Egypt, Iraq and the United Arab Emirates before attending a summit of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which included Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. On...

What’s Behind The Recent Mass Killings in SA? – Experts Unpack

Umamah Bakharia In the past few weeks, South Africa has been witnessing mass killings across the country. In the lastest, four people were killed and two others injured in a shooting in Thembelihle informal settlement in Lenasia. While in Alexandra an armed robbery...

The Dua Portal – The excitement of returning home from hajj is still focused on acceptance and forgiveness.

– SHAKIRAH HUNTER We were all at OR Tambo international, for the first time since the Pandemic hit - the restrictions were lifted completely. Rushing into the international arrivals, the first Hujaaj had arrived. It was a moment of excitement, noise and children...

How to we give advice without forcing our opinions on others?

  Shakirah Hunter Recently I received a lovely message from a sister, she was concerned about something and wanted to give advice, but she was absolutely terrified of coming across as if she were being judgmental. She worried that I might block her, or it might affect...