CAYENNEGot a toothache? Capsaicin, an ingredient in cayenne, interferes with pain transmission. Make a paste with a...
Health Articles
Why walk is necessary (02.03.17)
Ever wondered what happens to your body when you start walking? Here's a minute-by -minute rundown of the amazing...
Amazing benefits of Turmeric and milk (09.02.17)
Turmeric and Milk have natural Antibiotic properties. Including these two natural ingredients in your everyday diet...
The many health benefits of sage (02.02.17)
Albanian Medicinal Herbs Albania is well known for being the world’s largest exporter of sage and one of the leading...
Cool remedies for sunburn (01.12.16)
Cool Water Treatment for SunburnWater is the first and the foremost remedy for immediate relief from your inflamed...
Tips to stop snoring (27.10.16)
What is snoring? Snoring is the snorting and rattling sound made by the vibration of the airway tissue at the back of...
Natural remedies for hot flushes
1. Hot flashes are one of the most common complaints of menopause, as the periods of intense heat, warm skin, and...
Best remedy for coughs colds and flu (14.04.16)
Milk and turmeric: Besides ginger tea or masala chai, warm milk and turmeric mixture is a popular and effective way...
Aamzing uses and benefits of mint (10.03.16)
Mint, scientifically known as 'mentha' is a herb that has been used since long for its different health benefits.It...
Curry leaf home remedies and uses (11.02.16)
Curry leaf has many herbal medicinal properties and it’s a most prominently used herb in south Indian cooking....