Neelam Rahim | 2 min read 03 December 2022 | 5:15 pm CAT An international survey has revealed...
Opinion and Analysis Articles
What you didn’t know about habits?
Naseerah Nanabhai | 1 min read | 12:30 PM CAT Studies reveal that we spend approximately...
Why secondhand textbooks are the best way to save money
Mumtaz Moosa Saley | 23 November 2022 | 12:45 PM CAT 1 min read When it comes to parenting, there is no...
Seven Healthy Snack Ideas
By Naseerah Nanabhai 18:05:2022 Snacking refers to eating or drinking between regular main meals. While there are mixed opinions on whether this is a healthy habit or not, some studies suggest that increasing your meal frequency through snacking may help manage hunger...
Africa Doesn’t Need To Get Involved In ‘Senseless’ Wars Elsewhere- Analyst
By: Zahid Jadwat An African analyst has warned against African countries getting involved in the increasingly tense row between the West and Russia over its Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine. In an interview on Radio Islam, Dr Mustafa Mheta, Head of the...
The Reality of Death- a white sheet irrespective of your millions
Shakirah Hunter Pictures have been flooding social media of the death and funeral of one of the richest monarchs in the world, President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates, has died at the age of 73. The al-Nahyan family is believed to have...
Infertility – a test of faith
Shakirah Hunter It seems as if it is a lifetime ago- those moments of making dua to Allah Ta’ala to bless our home with a child. At first, I was young and enjoyed the freedom of travel and the excitement of being a young newlywed. At the time children seemed to be a...
Consistency in our acts of worship- how to keep the momentum gained in Ramadan
Shakirah Hunter High highs and low lows are often a great characteristic of our Ramadhan and post Ramadhan relationship with ibaadah. We tend to exert ourselves during Ramadhan and try to hold on to our ibaadah post Ramadhan but somehow – slowly but surely, we always...
Keeping kids safe online
By Mumtaz Saley-Moosa 11:05:2022 In a realistic world, we all want our kids to stay offline as much as possible, but the reality is that it is easier said than done. The online world has become the norm for children, and it is part and parcel of their future. UNICEF...
What is so smart about smart cities?
By Naseerah Nanabhai 11:05:2022 These days, cities are advancing at breakneck speed, with many moving far beyond inceptive designs and features. Such towns, termed ‘smart cities’, are characterised by the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to...
When your hopes are dashed..
Shakirah Hunter Life is full of ups and downs. You have this incredible excitement when you feel like you are at the cusp of change , when you can feel a goal within your grasp. The feeling of achieving a long term goal. You might be waiting for a new job , awaiting a...
Ex-finance Minister Wins Costa Rica’s Presidency Runoff Vote
By Umamah Bakharia The former finance minister, Rodrigo Chaves, who surprised many by making it into Costa Rica's presidential runoff vote, has won the country's presidency. Economist Rodrigo Chaves had 53% of the vote, compared to 47% for former...