Asafetida, also known as hing, is a latex gum extracted from several species of a perennial herb, Ferula. It is...
Health Articles
The Best Home Remedies for Cracked Heels (14.04.15)
Cracked heels, or heel fissures, are a common condition in which the skin begins to break along the outer edge of the...
Heart remedy shared by a listener (19.03.15)
3 quarter glass warm water1 tbslp honey.1 tblsp lemon pinch cayenne pinch of arad have once a day
Benefits of eating raw onions (19.03.15)
BENEFITS OF EATING RAW ONIONS.Well, it is surprising to know that these vegetables that we use to add flavour and...
Health benefits of eating Indian Vegetables (12.03.15)
Yes it’s thanks to the early Indian immigrants; South Africa has been much enriched by the varieties of vegetables...
Remedies for gout (05.03.15)
LET ME COMMENCE BY TELLING U WHAT GOUT IS ALL ABOUT..Gout is a condition when there is excess of uric acid deposits in...
Super foods to curb diabetes (26.02.15)
Diabetes is a disease that can gradually affect your entire system and almost every organ in your body including your...
Home remedies to lower blood pressure
1. Lemon Water Lemon softens your blood vessels, and this will lower your blood pressure. In addition, the vitamin B...
The many health benefits of apple, carrot, and beetroot juice (11.02.15)
Let me tell you a little bit about what this great juice can do for you. Well first of all, beetroot is a...
Amazing uses for tea tree oil (05.02.15)
Check out these 15 amazing health and beauty uses for tea tree oil. 1.Relieves chapped lips: Add 1 or 2 drops of oil...