Budgeting: Part 2

February 24, 2021

Myths that prevent people from budgeting

Budgeting is a wonderful tool for managing your finances, but many people think it’s not for them. They are known as the budget myths—the erroneous logic that stops people from keeping track of their finances and allocating money in the best way.

I Don’t Need to Budget

This is for people who haven’t clearly understood the need to budget. Remember a budget is not only for people who are struggling to see the end of the month, rather a budget is for anyone who wants to control their money rather than allow their money to control them. So for those who enjoy an income that covers all bills with money left over, a budget can help maximize savings and investments.

I’m Not Good at Math

Thanks to budgeting software, you don’t have to be good at math; you simply have to be able to follow instructions. Many of these programs are free and legitimate. If you know how to use spreadsheet software, you can make your own ledger. It’s as simple as creating one column for your income, another column for your expenses, and then keeping a running tab on the difference between the two.

My Job Is Secure

No one’s job is truly safe. If you work for a corporation, being laid off due to downsizing or a takeover always is a possibility. If you work for a small company, it could die with its owner, be bought out, or just fold.

Unemployment Insurance Will Keep Me Afloat

Unemployment compensation is not a sure thing. What if a bad situation at work leaves you with no choice but to quit your job. Because you resigned, your departure is considered voluntary, making you ineligible for unemployment insurance. Besides, the benefits may fall well short of the wages you were used to.

I Don’t Want to Deprive Myself

Budgeting is not synonymous with spending as little money as possible or making yourself feel guilty about every purchase. Tracking your expenses does not change the amount of money you have available to spend every month; it just tells you where that money is going.

I Don’t Want Anything Big

If you don’t have any major savings goals or events coming up, then it’s hard to drum up the motivation to stash away extra cash each month. But remember, your situation could change at any-time.

I’m Debt-Free

Good for you! But being debt-free without any savings won’t pay your bills in an emergency. A zero balance can quickly become a negative balance if you don’t have a safety net.

I Always Get a Raise or Bonus

It’s never a good idea to count on unpredictable sources of income. This may be the year your company may not have enough money to give you a raise or as much of a raise as you’d hoped for. The same is true of bonus money.

I Just Don’t Have the Discipline

It`s never too late to acquire it. It`s always easier to live on a disciplined and controlled budget, rather than live the high-life and then all so suddenly when life`s curve balls hit you, you forced to scale down to a level you never thought possible.


Prime Spot!!!


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