Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News – 13-04-2018
The Auwal Socio-Economic Research Institute (ASRI) says Mmusi Maimane is not as powerful as he is perceived to be in the Democratic Alliance (DA).
Maimane was re-elected unopposed as leader of the DA at its Federal Congress to lead the party into the 2019 general elections.
Asri director of Programmes Ebrahim Fakir says while there was a proposal to reduce the federal executive in the DA, the motion was defeated and it’s now is larger rather than smaller.
Fakir says this is important because there are more people that exercise authority and power in the party.
“So on paper, if you look at the head of the party, what in other parties would be called the president, in this case Mmusi Maimane, he’s not that powerful because there isn’t a lot of authority and power vested in him by virtue of the DA’s constitution. So a larger number of people exercise power and it creates balance.”
Fakir says they DA will want to go into the 2019 elections at all cost to do better than they have done in previous polls.