All about the confinement/ Huwawar diet

April 24, 2014


It has become a norm in today’s times that the first time mums-to-be go to their parents home for delivery, and confinement.

Before confinement, foods rich in prophylactic, gestation and foetus maturation values, are prepared and it is strongly believed that the mother’s well being will be inherited by the child.

The making of these foods is a dying art, as the modern trend is to imbibe medicines and vitamins in the form of a sugar coated pill rather than a laboriously processed food.

Some of these formulae are heirlooms of the past and as such have a prized position in the cooking repertoires of the Indian grannies.

Yes after the birth of the new born baby, the new mum’s diet is strictly circumscribed. She is to eat foods that will ward off colds, and prevent backache; she is to avoid foods which will distress the breastfed baby. Her diet must ensure regular bowel movement and certain foods taken by her will aid her baby in burping out wind.

The postpartum period begins after the delivery of the baby and ends when the mother’s body has returned close to its pre-pregnant state.

New moms deserve special attention to rebuild their strength after giving birth. Nutrition and plenty of rest are essential to new moms to help their bodies recover.

Traditionally new mums are offered specific foods during confinement.

These foods are believed to speed up recovery and provide vital nutrients to the new mother and her baby. But, there is a flip side as well. Most of these foods are calorie- rich, laden with nuts, ghee and sugar and may make you gain excess weight.

However, grand mothers, mums and in-laws may insist you follow tradition. While some new mums may find it difficult to go against their elders’ wishes – others happily oblige and enjoy the pampering!

Whatever the case, do bear in mind that moderation is the key.
Eating light, easy to digest food is important. Green vegetables, vegetables from the squash family, moong (dal), and whole-wheat bread are all good choices. Avoid cabbage, beans and lentils are considered harder to digest and create gas in the body. Also avoid anything sour, like tomatoes, tamarind, lemon, and oranges.

As a new mum, you may often wonder what you need to eat or drink to increase the production of breast milk. Certain foods (known as galactagogue foods) are known to stimulate the production of breast milk.

While herbs such as fenugreek and fennel have been used for centuries to increase a nursing mother’s milk supply, little is known about how herbs affect a nursing baby. Play it safe and consult with your doctor before taking any herbal remedy. Also increase your intake of water as it is a major constituent of breast milk. It will help maintain your milk production. Ensure that you drink at least 10-12 glasses of water every day.

Here are some Traditional confinement foods that consumed by new mum’s.

PHAAKI; A snack that aids digestion and is a remedy for flatulence. Looks similar to suk-muk.
It is made up of ajmo, huwa, methi, jeero, hing, array and dry ginger.

LAAI; milk drink for confining mothers

Made up of singhora powder, ghee, fresh ground almonds and milk.
This milk drink is very nourishing for both mother and baby.

Made with water, huwa and methi.
Drink huwa water instead of tap water. Basically boil water, add huwa seeds, fill in jug and drink throughout the day.

CAROM AND FENNEL SEEDS WATER – (Ajwain aur saunf ka paani).
Carom seeds are believed to help in cleansing the stomach and uterus; fennel helps increasing milk production and prevents colic in your baby.
1 litre filtered water
1 tbsp fennel seeds (saunf)
3/4th tbsp carom seeds (ajwain)
In a pan add fennel and carom seeds to one litre of filtered water.
Bring the mixture to boil.
Lower the flame and let the mixture cook for another 10-15 minutes.
Allow it to cool until lukewarm.
Strain and store the water in a thermos, so that the mixture remains warm for several hours.
Sip in this water all through the day.

5-7 almonds (badaam) soaked overnight and peeled
4 black pepper corn seeds (kali mirch) soaked overnight
A pinch of turmeric (haldi)
1 glass skimmed/double toned milk
½ tsp ghee
½-1 tsp honey/ sugar/jaggery/ghor

Grind almonds and pepper corns into fine paste.
In a pan, heat ghee and fry the paste till it turns golden brown. Add
turmeric power. Fry for about one minute.
Now add milk to the paste and stir.
Bring mixture to boil.
Add honey/sugar/jaggery/ghor to the milk. Serve hot.

Turmeric helps heal internal wounds – Take a half-teaspoon turmeric powder every day with lukewarm milk or water. Turmeric has many other health effects.
 Fenugreek seeds are great to help prevent and ease back and joint pain. Fenugreek seeds or fresh fenugreek are also taken to help nursing mothers increase their breast milk supply. Fenugreek is also available at many health food stores.

Ajwain (carom seeds) helps soothe pain due to gas or indigestion.
Every morning boil four glasses of water with two tablespoon of carom seeds (ajwain). Let it cool down to room temperature and drink this water throughout the day. Add ajwain as an ingredient when making roti or cooking vegetables.

Dry ginger powder also known as sauth; take with food. Ginger offers health benefits, including anti-inflammation effects, and can also be found in health food stores.

Gaund (or Gond) is an edible gum resin that is extracted from the bark of the tree. Gaund provides heat to our body and is usually eaten in cold winter months. Gaund and whole wheat ka ladoo is normally prepared for the nursing mother to help with lactation and provide nutrients for the baby. The main ingredients are whole-wheat flour, butter, nuts, gaund, poppy seeds, and sugar.

Things to keep in mind…
Remember moderation is the key.
Exercise some caution when choosing herbs and spices.
Try a few different options first and see what works best for you and your baby.
You may also want to consider switching a certain beverage if you find it does not agree with your system or if your baby gets fussy.

Encourage mothers to do as little as possible until she feels well again. Create a food tree of friends and nearby family who are willing to bring mom yummy and easy to digest foods everyday, and won’t mind doing some laundry or dishes.
Emphasize mainly on the proper diet regime for this time to ensure the health of both baby and mother. Foods need to be fresh, not processed, served warmed, very soupy, and moist in consistency. Dishes should be prepared with digestive spices such as cumin, caraway, ginger, mustard seed, clove, basil, turmeric, fenugreek, cinnamon, and garlic (roasted only).
Avoid eating meat for at least two weeks. Soup stocks are okay.
Avoid caffeine; white sugar; raw vegetables’ dry, light, crunchy foods; too many beans and too many eggs.
Make sure mother and baby are warm, oily, and feeling loved. That means lots of sesame oil rubbed gently on their skin daily. Use lots of sesame oil, olive oil.
Stay warm indoors.

Confinement foods
The confinement time and recovery of the mother is very closely linked to what she eats. Each home and family traditions have their own favourite confinement foods or recipes that the mother is given. It is generally believed that after birth a mother's body loses "balance" and enters a "cold stage" due to the loss of blood. Confinement food is therefore usually made with ingredients that are believed to be warming. Warming or heating foods are believed to speed up your recovery from childbirth.

Here are some examples of the kinds of foods you will be advised to have or not have:
•    Gourds such as lauki and tori are believed to increase your supply of milk.
•    Paan (betel leaves) after every meal is thought to help with digestion.
•    Increased intake of ghee is believed to help regain strength and aid muscle repair.
•    Fruits, fizzy drinks and juices are believed to be cooling.
•    Green and red chillies might be difficult to digest so you might be told to replace them with black pepper for some spice.
•    Foods believed to produce gas for your baby through your milk will be discouraged. Some examples include onions and jackfruit.


Prime Spot!!!


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