A random act of kindness goes a long way

January 26, 2021

Over the last few days, the random act of kindness has been making the rounds on social media, as the need for hope and relief is greatly needed in this rather dark time.

The challenge began with people randomly going to school supply stores and asking to pay for items left on lay-by by customers. The kind gesture surprised and brought great relief to cash-strapped parents and joy to children when they arrived at the store to pay an instalment or to collect their children’s uniform or stationery and to find that it had been paid for in full.

During the pandemic, many people have lost their income and basic needs are becoming a luxury, the costliest to them all still remains school uniforms and stationery.

While we are taught to conceal our charity, this beautiful gesture helps us restore humanity in a difficult time.

If you would like to take part in the challenge, visit your local PEP store or any store that accepts lay-by and ask them to find someone who has school items on lay-by.

Let us spread some random act of kindness this year.


Prime Spot!!!


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