A prime example

May 05, 2023

Mumtaz Moosa |
3 May 2023 | 17:00 CAT
2 min read

Photo Credit: eBay

We’ve seen the latest craze taking over our kids, and as parents, we often quickly dismiss it as sheep-like behaviour. However, we forget that we were the generation with a new craze every few months, from collecting stickers and toys in cereals and power bands that promised extreme power during exercises.

Instead of calling out other parents for buying into the latest craze, we should focus on the lessons that our children could learn from it. For instance, when the latest craze arrived at R400 a bottle, many parents refused to give in, and children learned that sometimes, it’s better to wait because things might come to you. Patience pays off, something that children are taught from a young age in Islam.

The craze also taught them that the hype isn’t worth it, and by opening up a conversation about the item, parents could learn that their kids are not just following the crowd blindly, but they consider that when given a chance to express their views.

Engaging with your children, understanding their thoughts, and opening up discussions about the hype is essential. Our children are a generation that watches adverts and, as adults, fall prey to influencers we follow on social media.

So, instead of calling our kids sheep, we need to ask ourselves what we have followed in the last year and how influencers played a role.

In conclusion, instead of dismissing our kids’ craze, we should use it to have meaningful conversations and teach them valuable lessons.


Prime Spot!!!


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