A Power, most mesmerizing…

May 08, 2015


I stand quietly in the howling wind, hoping that the force of the wind would carry away the loneliness.
I watch the sunset with its most vibrant colors fade behind the horizon,
each flower petal silently draws nearer to me as if to say,
“come embrace us once, let our fragrance wrap itself around you”
I felt so alone,
so full of despair.

I watch the rhythmic waves roll back and forth, kissing the shore and presenting gifts of love to it,
Birds carefree, magnificently soar into the skies competing with the colourful array of kites.
I feel the sand burying itself between my delicate toes
I felt so alone,
so full of despair.

I feel this life so full of trials,
each day tough and unplanned.
Mother is gone far away,
so far away, never to return.
Flowers on her grave is more closer to her than me.
Her endless pain now a memory.
Peacefully she lies,
through tears I realise what a relief
It must be for her.
I felt so alone
So full of despair.

Somewhere, the wind calls my name.
The tall trees provides shelter as if to protect me from harm’s way.
I sense a power, most mesmerizing.
Bright and beautiful.
Silently standing near me,
I feel engulfed in its brightness.
I feel light, safe and suddenly happy.
Not so alone any more,
Not so full of despair any more.
I wonder what is going on.
I hear a gentle soft whisper,
“Allah is always with you”
Why do u forget this?
A question I’m stunned by.
My Allah, My Creator,
My Almighty,
Forgive me,
Embrace me,
and never let me stray.

(Nashreen Kassim)


Prime Spot!!!


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