A Muslim Businessman’s Oath

February 03, 2012
I will, Insha-Allah, behave Islamically towards:
My Creator:
* My intention for business will not be merely to enrich myself but to earn Halaal and spend in the right path
* I will regard it as a compulsory duty to learn all the Islamic rules and laws regarding business from the Ulama
* I will then always conduct my business according to the Laws of Shari'ah
* I will spend my resouces wisely, always maintaining appropriate reserves for difficult times
My Customers:
* My primary responsibility is to provide the best quality product to those who come to my business
* I will receive my customers politely and treat them with respect and dignity
* I will work to cut my overhead costs in order to charge reasonable prices
* I will process all transactions speedily and without errors
* I will not misrepresent my products or services to any customer at all
* I will gladly accept to refund a dissatisfied customer
My Suppliers and Distributors:
* I will work with my suppliers and distributors to maintain consistency in quality and service
* I will ensure that they make a fair profit
My Employees:
* All my employees will work in safe and clean conditions
* They will receive fair and adequate compensation
* They will have ample opportunities to develop their skills
* They will feel free to make suggestions, or complaints
* I will safeguard their rights and respect their dignity at all times
* I will clearly communicate to all employees what is expected of them
* I will compensate my employees equitably
* I will allow them reasonable time to fulfil their religious obligations, especially Salaah & Hajj

My Competitors:
* I will not engage in monopolistic behaviour and preclude others from competing with me
* I will compete fairly without engaging in un-Islamic tactics
* I will not be envious or malicious towards my competitors in anyway

My Community:

* I will support the community I live in as well as the world-wide Ummah
* I will be a good citizen, by contributing to the welfare of the needy and the destitute in society


Prime Spot!!!


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