Abu Mohammed, Abdullah bin Roowaahah Al-Ansaari Al-Khazraji RA

October 17, 2016
A companion of the Prophet Sallallahu Alyhi Wa Sallam. He was a composer of poetry in the pre-Islamic days. He participated at Al-Aqabah, as a leader of his people.

The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam forged a relationship as brothers between him (Abdullah bin Rowwaahah) and Al-Muqadaad. He participated in the Battle of Badr. After the battle was over, the Messenger of Allah dispatched him to Al-Madinah to announce the good news of their victory to the Muslims. He was a participant in all of the battles after that, until his martyrdom in the Battle of Mu’tah.

His worship of and service to Allah was boundless. If he met a man of the companions, he said to him, “Come! Believe in the Hour!” The Prophet (Peace be upon him) complimented him by saying, “Allah’s Mercy on Abdullah bin Roowaahah, indeed he loves the companions, the ones of whom the Angels boast.” He also said of him, “What an excellent man is Abdullah bin Roowaahah.”

He was one of the three poets who challenged the disbelievers and championed the Prophet Sallallahu Alyhi Wa Sallam, Islam and the Muslims. Abdullah bin Roowaahah’s collection of poetry was mainly in defence of Islam and satyrisation of the polytheists, including exhortations of the self on piety, jihaad and requesting martyrdom.


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