Jerusalem – Salahudeen Ayyubi

February 21, 2017
It was a dark, stormy and bitterly cold night. Such was the condition of the Muslim nation at that time that the crusaders attacked the middle east and killing the many innocent people from Muslims and none Muslims. Disputes, fighting and hatred w raged between Muslims themselves and between Muslims and others. That was a symbol of this period of time. But as Allah said in Quran, indeed with every difficulty there will be ease; there will be always some body to protect the true faith, and to guide mankind to worship Allah, the creator alone.

(Salahu deen) that was the nickname of the baby who became afterwards the brave and merciful Muslim commander, the entire world knew him for his courage, forgiveness and wisdom, he is the one who supported Islam, protected the Muslims, and with his kindness and forgiveness guide non-Muslims to accept the true faith, and to live in peace in one place.

In tikreet in the occupied Iraq, salahu deen and his Kurdish family lived for some time. The pious family of salahu deen, was popular and great, it was really like a factory or a great builder, but not in building skyscrapers but building a real faithful human being

Hmm Mark do you think that Muslims will unite and be strong again?
Ha ha ha, I don’t think so Bill, they are now more than 60 different groups fighting each other, this nation has come to an end. Well, I disagree, this nation is amazing when ever we destroy them, somebody comes and revives them, re-unites them again and makes them stronger than before. Who said so, is this opinion or are you just guessing?

It’s not my opinion, its history’s opinion, history says, whenever great difficulties face this nation, they unite again behind the Quran and defeat their enemies, and brings back their glory and honor.

Oho oho oho Oh ya Allah I missed one
Look there?
What’s wrong?
Do you see that Muslim child there? He is so young but look how he is sad because one of the arrows missed the target.
Lets go nearer to him, but be careful his family can see us.

Well done! Young boy! You are so skilled at shooting.
I’m not, I’m a failure, and I just missed the target before you came.
Oh, we were watching you; you had 10 arrows, and 9 hit the target and only one missed. So no need for sadness, you are very skilled.
No, I’m not, don’t praise me! What if I have only this arrow and I have an enemy of Islam in front of me, and then I missed him? I think I must train again and again until I get 10 out of 10
Let’s go Bill before he recognizes us.
Ok let’s go, Didn’t I tell you? This nation will never be destroyed.
Yes you are right; that is, until they stop bringing up their children on the principles of that Quran.
Salahu deen come! You shot a lot today, hurry up it’s the salah time, and your hadeeth teacher is waiting for you.
Labbbaika father, I’m coming, wait for me!

Quraan, fiqh, hadeeth, and the Arabic language is all that enabled salahu deen to learn all the noble manners of Islam, but his father didn’t forget to teach him the secular sciences as well. Salahu deen loved medicine very much together with all the other sciences. He grew up gathering all the noble manners of the Islamic character. He was known for his courage and skills. He became a great knight, a man possessing a great strength of Iman, who loved reading the Holy Quran, and loved jihad in the path of Allah. He was also famous for his eloquent speech, kindness and mercy, all this enabled salahu deen to be one of the strongest commanders in the army of sultan noorudeen zanki, that pious sultan who tried to unite the Muslims again under one flag, to retrieve al aqsa mosque.

Ya salaha deen, you are one of my best commanders, after this coming battle, I want you to go with and army to Egypt, retrieve it from the oppression of the fatimi occupation and use their soldiers in fighting the crusaders with us.
Samaan watatan ya maulay.

Nooru deen is fighting us every where, while he is battling here he sent salahu deen to conquer Egypt, and get its soldiers to fight us. Don’t worry baldoin; salahu deen will fail to conquer Egypt, because he is a sunni but Egyptians now under the fatimiyn who are shia. I hope so arnaat, I’m tired of these people, I think I must send a message to the kings of Europe to support us in our battles against noor deen and his commander salahu deen.

I sent a message to them already Baldwin, they have sent for us two of the great commanders in Europe to help us in this battle against noor deen, we have now over 100000 soldiers and noor deen got only 20 I hope that works arnaat , you know what Muslims say, they are saying that noor deen will beat us through his duaa, not through his soldiers. While the battle is raging, sultan noor deen the great Muhammad, who was also hafizul quraan was busy making duaa to Allah. Ya Allah ya Allah, support Islam and soldiers of Islam, ya Allah grant victory to Islam, and don’t grant victory to me, who am I to grant me victory, oh Allah support your soldiers and don’t support noor deen the dog who is full of sins.

Allah taala granted victory to noor deen in this battle, and he captured the two commanders from Europe. On the other side, in Egypt salahu deen was fighting against the other crusaders campaign

No doubt noor deen was very worried about the battle in Egypt through which the crusaders sent the best of their commanders to occupy it, and kill salahu deen.
Ya sultan, ya noor deen, abshir, wallahi salahu deen is going to win in Egypt tonight.
Inshallah, but ya imam how can you take an oath?
Rassol Allah came to me in a dream and said give glade tiding to noor deen that the crusaders in Egypt are going to be defeated tonight, and he gave me a sign so that you believe me
He gave you a sign! What sign?
The sign is the dua, which you have said during your battle with Baldwin yesterday.
Wallahi I shall not believe you unless you tell me the full sign and what I said in the dua
Ya nooru deen, you are our king and I’m afraid to tell you
Please say it, so my heart can be satisfied.
You, you were making duaa alone when you said oh Allah support Islam and don’t support noorudeen the dog who is full of sins, you accused your self of being like a dog, and you requested allah not to look at your sins, and grant victory to Islam.
Sadaqta warabbu alkaaba , wallahi we have won. Allahuma laka alhamd
Wallahi I have never seen such a just and a pious ruler after Omar ibnu abdulazeez better than you noorudeen- may Allah reward you for what you doing for Islam.

Noor deen this great sultan, who fought the oppression, and showed the justice of Islam to the world as every body is equal in front of the lord, no better race, and no oppression or discrimination to such group, once when he was sleeping he saw rassol allah s.a.w, in his dream, asking for his help telling noor deen oh noor deen save me from these two men, noor deen woke up terrified, performed salah, and slept again then he saw the same dream twice, so he left his bed and rushed to the qadi of Damascus who asked him. Ya noora deen, who was those two which you have seen in your dream and rassol Allah asked you to help them him against them?

They were two roman men in Muslims clothes. Well then I suggest that you go to madeena now and search for these two men, and captured them to know the story. Noor deen didn’t wait tell the morning, he ran with his soldiers to madeena, taking with him lot of gifts to madeena people, when he reached madeena, he gathered the people and asked every one to come take a gift from him, all madeena people was so grateful for the sultan and they all took from the gifts, but he was sad for not finding those two Romans which he saw in the dream.

Oh governor of madeena, is there any body who didn’t take from my gifts. No sultan noor deen, all have taken.. Oh but there is only two rich Muslims from Rome who came to visit, and They don’t want to take, because they are rich.
Alhamdulillah, really where are them , bring them now
When they came nooru deen found them the same men in his dream
Who are you?
We, we, we are two olama from Rome coming in a visit to madeena.
Really! Hmmm, where you staying?
Not far sultan, just next to rawda sharifa
Next to rawda, well can you invite me for food there
Aaaa, sure, sure sultan noorudeen, you welcome
Sultan entered the house of the two roman men which he saw them in the dream, noorudeen searched the entire house but didnt find any thing, until he saw a mat in a corner of the house, he raised it and it was a real shock
Aha, and what is that hole here for?
Hole! Oh, it’s a , it’s a , a place to hide from the robbers
The pious sultan noor deen and his soldiers went in the hole which led them to a tunnel, they walked in the tunnel until they reached the grave of rassol Allah s.a.w
La hawla walaquwwata illa billah, that’s why rassol Allah came to me in the dream.

The great sultan noor deen captured the two Romans who confessed that they came in a mission to steal the body of rassol Allah, This pious king noor deen was not only a sultan he was indeed a role model to salahu deen, to take from this great fountain of noble manners … Noor deen zuki , this pious sultan passed away, leaving behind him his student and his first commander salahu deen to look after the muslim umma and protect Islam, and complete the mission of retrieving Jerusalem and al aqsa.

Salahu deen was indeed the right man for the mission, he defeated the crusaders in Egypt, expelled the fatimi rulers out, and taught the sunni mazhab in the schools, all Egypt loved the new sultan, salahu deen, who fortified the country from inside and united all the Muslims in Arabia and came out with a strong army from Egypt to free al masjidul aqsa and retrieve the holy city from the crusaders who killed the hujjaj and oppressed the Muslims in the holy city.

Baldwin, you are the king of Jerusalem, do some thing to stop salahu deen. What must I do arnaaat, you are stupid arrogant, it was you who killed the Muslim hujjaj and made salahu deen swear to kill you and conquer Jerusalem. It was not me alone baldawin, did you forget how you stop the Muslims from preying in al aqsa mosque, and how you did tried to force them to leave Islam. And did you forget that You who attacked the Muslim caravans and told them let Muhammad free you. Oh my god, let us Leave that now, we shouldn’t fight, its not a suitable time for fighting, lets send messengers to the kings of Europe to support us.

Yes lets send and ask for their help, they cant leave us face salhu aldeen alone, Jerusalem is our land and the land of Jesus, we must not leave it to the Muslims. The king badlwain and his commander arnaat sent messengers to all European countries to support them But salahu deen reached them first before the support come from Europe, Baldwin and arnaat and all crusaders troops in the middle east gathered qualifying a great army, they walked towards slahu deen army, hoping to destroy them and put an end to slahu deen.

Ya sultan here are the crusaders, they came from each side to fight us

Ahaahaha ahaah yal al quds – oh my quds- oh holy city-

You crying sultan!. You look so tired please go sleep for a while, and in the morning we going to attack them. No, by Allah Im shy to sleep while al aqsa mosque in the crusaders hands,(killing, spoiling and oppression its people), im shy to sleep while Jerusalem the city of peace is having no peace

The two armies faced each other in a place called hitteen south of tabariya lake, while the Muslims are proclaiming the takbeer and tahmeed , indeed it was a great battle, salahudeen together with his believing army defeated all the crusaders troops, and captured their king Baldwin and the commander arnaat

Ya salahadeen here is the king Baldwin and the commander arnaat that killed the Muslims. Water, water, I want water, how come you deal like this with me, im arnaat the great commander of the crusaders. Shut up arnaart , cant you see we are defeated, captured because of your arrogance
You shut up coward king, I want water saaldeen, I want water Soldiers, bring for them water.

It appears to me that You are not only arrogant, arnaat, you are selfish as well, you drank all the water and lift nothing for your king baldwain!

He always does that king salahadeen, he took us to this battle by his shameful deeds and by killing the Muslim hujaj and attacking the caravans.
Oh yes, yes, I didn’t forget that you arnaat said to the Muslim hujaj let Muhammad help you. Here we are Muhammad helped us arnaat>here the victory came to Muhammad group

Salahadeen , im not afraid of you, im in your tent , and between your soldiers but if you are a brave man come face me, I ask for you in duel
Let me kill him sultan?
No Abdullah, I have pledged to Allah to kill him by my sword, for he killed a lot of innocent souls- yaqtulhu al abdu alfaqeer bizini Allah

Allahu akbar allahu akbar
Aaaaa ya salaha deen, aaare you going to kill me. Hmm, king Baldwin, kings don’t kill kings, I will forgive you, just to show you the mercy of Islam, on a condition that you give us the keys of Jerusalem and we enter the holy city in peace.
Im so grateful for you noble king saladeen, I promise to help you as much as I can, you are such a just king and I don’t think you will oppress the nonmuslims in the holy city.
Wallah, by Allah Islam taught us not to kill innocent people, not to oppress and to not to fight except those who fight us, we will uphold the treaty of sayyduna Omar with the non Muslims in Jerusalem, none of the churches will be demolished, non of the crosses will be broken, every body is free to practice his faith in this holy city.
Ma aadalaka min sultan, surely this is the justice of Islam, oh salahdeen let me go to my people in the holy city and negotiate with them to give you the city in peace on these conditions which you have mentioned
You are free king badlwain go to them, and tell them if they will not give us the city in peace we shall take it by force

The king badlwain went to Jerusalem, and negotiated with his people who insisted not to surrender until the European armies come to support them, On the other side salahu deen was busy, conquering the lands around the holy city to secure his way and to get more soldiers, finally he reached Jerusalem gates, he imposed a blockade around the holy city when he knew that they will not surrender. Hunger and luck of provision started to struck the people of the holy city, Christians Muslims, and all other people of other faiths in Jerusalem were starving from hunger-
Ya sultan, ya salahadeen, Baldwin the king of Jerusalem coming from inside to negotiate
Let him enter
salahadeen, the blockade you have imposed on us is harming every body , Muslims and none Muslims , children are dying of hunger , is this the mercy of Islam
Inna lilah , I didn’t want this to happen Baldwin its you who insisted not to give us the holy city in peace
We cant give it to you its our land
No, its not, its not your land, me and you know certainly, its not your land, we the kananian Arabs are the first people settled in this land- thousands of years before you
But Jesus was born in this holy lands and we have rights to keep the land of Jesus under our protection the crusaders
You insisting to forget that Jesus peace be unto him is our messenger, our prophet, we believe in him as we believe in all the messengers of god, so its our land as well
But, but now we got our churches and people coming to make pilgrimage here

And we have our mosques, and the sacred mosque of aqsa,,, and we promised not to demolish any churches or any place of worship
Salahadeen why don’t you leave it in our hands?

History mentioned that since you occupied it in the year 1099 a.c , and there is no peace or stability in the holy land, you the crusaders killed many innocent people and stopped others from worshipping and practicing their faiths . History mentioned that we the Muslims were the best people to roll this land, and people of other faiths were free to worship god- the mercy of Islam gave rights to all nonmuslims to choose freely and judge for them self’s – Jerusalem was living in peace in our hands until you the crusaders came, can you deny that?
Ahaa no, I cant deny that, but…
But what?
The crusaders soldiers will not allow you to inter in peace
Fine then it’s the war, you wanted that- it’s the blockade then
But, but innocent people are dying of hunger inside.
Listen how ever the blockade, I shall send you food, water and all provision, to the people inside, but remember I will enter the holy city and don’t forget I asked you for peace and you rejected it
Let, let me negotiate with them again, saladeen , I also don’t want blood in the holy city , I desire no fighting in Jerusalem.
Its your last chance Baldwin
Second round of negotiation took place in the holy city, this time it was successful, the king Baldwin convinced his people to surrender to salahu deen who promised to be just and to kill no one or harm any worshippers, they opened the doors for slahu deen to enter the holy city —-

To the contrary of what the crusaders did when they occupied the sacred city in the year 1099 a.c and killed many people and demolished the holy city – salahu deen entered Jerusalem in peace and mercy, same like when sayyeduna Omar entered it before him, On the 27th of rajab on this blessed night – salahu deen and his army entered in peace from the doors of Jerusalem

On his horse – salahu deen and his army moving in the streets of Jerusalem, with utmost humilty he lowers his head down – while Muslims, Christians and Jews all are greeting the merciful commander who will bring peace again to the holy city of Jerusalem – flowers were showered at the conquerer and his army who were reciting

La ilaha illa allah wahadah sadaqa wadaah
There is no other gods but Allah, the creator, we worship none but him the creator –—– How ever the armies from France, Germany and England came after that to fight salahu deen and occupy the holy city again, but they failed in that- salahu deen was so merciful and forgiving as the crusaders them selves described him – the world, both Muslims and non Muslims knew salahu deen, and titled him in the west saladeen the noble fighter – the merciful commander- indeed salahu deen represented a true picture of a true Muslim- He lived a very simple life and he passed away on his bed leaving no money, no property behind, like all the pious people dies – the entire Muslim nation never witness such a janaza before since the khulafa rashideen death. salahu deen is buried in Damascus- but his life and his great manners of forgiveness , mercy , bravery and love of Allah is still a life in our souls . Surely Jerusalem nowadays is still awaiting for another commander like salahu deen, a merciful commander to bring being peace again, a brave commander to end all the wars, fighting, and oppression, a forgiving commander to resolve all the difficulties, and bring dignity and freedom to the people of the holy city, the city of peace, Jerusalem.


Prime Spot!!!


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