Masjid-al-Aqsa: Heart of the Conflict

March 18, 2014



Guest contributor, Saajidah Malvina looks at the sacred masjid at the deep heart of the attacks on Gaza.


Last weeks attacks on Gaza saw the heaviest barrage of rockets from the apartheid state of Israel since 2012. Gaza Palestinians killed by Israel since early 2014 as a result of military escalation has increased to 18. Palestinian medical sources have reported that a two-year-old child Mohammad Ismael al-Hamadin died of serious injuries suffered in an explosion that took place in Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip on Tuesday evening, March 11, 2014. Two other civilians were murdered. In the meantime Lt.-Col. Peter Lerner, IDF spokesman, said in a statement: “This retaliation was precise and prompt “We targeted the infrastructure that serves the terrorists while they train, plan and implement their hideous attacks. They will not be permitted to conspire in the safety of their terrorist temples.”


Masjidul Aqsa

Israel is meaningless without Al-Quds and Al Quds is meaningless without the temple.” – Ben David Gurion, former PM of Israel.


Jewish extremists, escorted by Israeli forces, regularly storm Musjid-Aqsa. The settlers are looking for evidence for the ancient Temple presumably destroyed in 586 BC. To fulfill this prophecy they believe the temple has to be rebuilt. A week ago there was a diplomatic spat between Jordan and Israel due to international pressure after Knesset members proposed a resolution to revoke Jordan’s custodianship and Jordan intended expelling Israeli ambassador.


Jewish scriptures believe the Al-Aqsa Musjid was build by Solomon [A.S] and hold the compound in high esteem. Muslims agree it was rebuilt by Suleiman [A.S]. It is mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim that Abu Zarr [r.a] asked the Prophet [S]:


”O Apostle of Allah, which is the first mosque on the face of the earth?” “Musjid-Haraam” replied Nabi [S]. “Which mosque came into being after Musjid-Haraam?” He [S] replied: ”Musjidul-Aqsa.” “What was the duration between the two?” He [S] replied: “40 years.”


Thus the mosque alone is not just sacred, but the site is too.

Texts dispute a Jewish claim to Al Aqsa

If we view the history of the Jews we learn that after the death of David and Solomon [A.S] rebelling and associating partners with Almighty was the order of the day. In spite of this, they were shown mercy by the Almighty and Messengers were sent as reminders. At the end of the 7th century [BC] the tyrant king, Bakht Nasr (Nebuchadnezzar) ascended the throne of Babel [Iraq]. When the king entered the city the people realised this was the promise that they were warned of in their sacred books. Bakht Nasr entered the gates and arrested the king and his ministers after which they burnt the Torah and killed approximately 100 000 people. A further 100 000 were made to walk to Babel, where they were enslaved, whilst the king caused havoc on Baytul-Muqadas. The Mosque was destroyed and its treasures looted.


A few decades later, the Jews were emancipated and the Mosque rebuilt. They then started rebellion, which included killing of Prophets. There was a dispute amongst them causing bloodshed and they sought assistance of the Roman king, Titus. Titus sent his deputy and they killed the deputy. Furious, he vowed to eliminate Jews so there maybe peace in the holy land. He launched a heavy attack on Baytul Muqadas and the fortress was destroyed; the walls of the Haykal pulled down, and a heavy siege in which thousands died due to hunger. Thousands escaped but lost their national identity and those who survived the siege were killed.


After this defeat, the Jews were never able to raise themselves. Mentioned in the Quran: “You will do corruption in the earth twice, and you will rise to the height of mighty insolence.” Al Quraan: [Sura 17 v 4].


“So, when the second promise came to pass [we raised against you a people] that they may disgrace you and may enter the mosque, as they entered it the first time, and that they may destroy whatever they conquered with utter destruction.”  Al Quraan: [Sura 17 v 7].


The final chance given by Almighty was for them to recognise the final Prophet. After Titus had destroyed the Musjid, the Jews who had escaped fled to Yathrib and anxiously awaited the last messenger whom they knew would emigrate there. This was the final opportunity given by their Maker and they rejected. In short, due to their insolence after being repeatedly warned, shown mercy, and punished, the majority refused to change and this is the repercussion of their deeds, thus they contextually relinquished their rights over the holy lands and have no right to claim it.



Israel’s Minister of Housing and Construction announced on 24 January 2014 that Musjid-ul-Aqsa will be destroyed and the third temple rebuilt. Israel wants the world’s sympathy and portrays itself as peace lovers who are attacked by Arabs fuelled with hatred. They are patient – 65 years after creation of the apartheid state they intend to partition the mosque at Al Aqsa similar to Musjid-Ibrahim in Khalil [Hebron] or have separate prayer times for Muslim and Jews.


Sh. Ra’ed Salah, Imaam of the Musjid has been sentenced to 8 months imprisonment as he felt the Muslims should be informed of the Musjid being in serious danger. Once upon a time, for 88 years no salaah or azaan was given therein, until Salahudeen reconquered Jerusalem. Palestine awaits another Salahudeen. With my blood, with my soul, I strive to liberate you oh Aqsa.



Virtues of Baytul-Muqadas by Al Imam Abu al Ma’ali bin al-Murajja: pg 13.
Qassasul-Quran, Volume 1: pg 479.
Qasasul-Quran, Vol 2: pg 73.


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