How to deal with bitter criticism

September 17, 2007


Those who are ignorant even utter curses at Allah, who is The Perfect, The Faultless. So imagine what treatment we, who are full of faults, expect from others.

We will always face criticism, which in its onslaught is like an endless war: it shows no sign of ending. As long as we shine, give, produce, and affect others, disapproval and condemnation will be our lot in life. Unless we escapes from people by finding a tunnel in the ground or a ladder leading to the sky, people will not desist from censuring, from finding fault in our character. For that reason, as long as we are resident on the earth, expect to be hurt, to be insulted, and to be criticized.

And here is something to contemplate on: a person who is sitting on the ground does not fall, and people do not kick a dead dog. Therefore their anger can be attributed to you surpassing them in righteousness, knowledge, manners, or wealth. In their eyes you are a transgressor whose wrongs cannot be atoned for – unless you abandon your talents and strip yourself of all praiseworthy qualities. That way you become dim, worthless, and to them, harmless. This, results in exactly what they want for you. So remain firm and patient when facing their insults and criticism. If you are wounded by their words and allow them to have an influence over you, you would have helped them realize their hopes.

Instead, forgive by showing the most beautiful of manners. Turn away and do not feel distressed by their schemes. Their disapproval only increases you in worth and merit.

Verily, you will not be able to silence them, but you will be able to bury their criticisms by turning away from them and dismissing what they have to say. Allah Says:: ‘Perish in your rage’ (Qur’an 3: 119).

In fact, you will be able to increase them in their rage by increasing your merits and developing your talents. If you desire to be accepted by all and loved by all, you desire the unattainab1e.




Prime Spot!!!


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