Rights of neighbours and relatives

September 17, 2007

By Ml Sulaiman Ravat

In these busy times, we often become indifferent to the hardships and difficulties of our family members, relatives, neighbours and Muslim brothers. Nabi S.A.W. has stated: “And whoever becomes busy in taking care of the need of his brother, Allah will be taking care of his need. And whoever lifts a hardship from a Muslim, Allah will lift a hardship from him from among the hardships of the day of Qiyamah and whoever covers the faults of a Muslim, Allah will cover his faults on the day of Qiyamah (Bukhaari/Muslim).


Ibn Abbas (RA) was once observing Itikaaf in the Masjid of Nabi SAW when a man came to him. After greeting him with salaam the man sat. Ibn Abbas (RA) said that it seems though you are extremely concerned about something. The man replied “that is true, Oh cousin of Allahs messenger. I am indebted to someone and unable to settle it.” Ibn Abbas (RA) asked “Should I speak to him on your behalf?” The man replied, “If you please.” Ibn Abbas (RA) then put on his shoes and left the Masjid. The man called out “Have you forgotten that you were in Itikaaf?” He replied,”No, It was something I heard from the occupant of this grave and it was not a long time ago.” His eyes, then welled up with tears as he continued, “I heard him say that whosoever walks to fulfill the need of a Muslim and applies him in that regard, it will be better for him then 10 years Itikaaf. As for one who spends a single day in Itikaf for the pleasure of Allah, Allah will place between him and the fire of Jahannam 3 trenches larger then the distance between the heavens and the earth (Tabraani).


If this is the reward of one day of Itikaaf, imagine what will be the reward of 10 years Itikaaf? Today we have retreated into our cocoons and forgotten helping our brothers, we don’t even know in what condition they are.


Nabi (SAW) use to forge a bond of brotherhood between a Muhaajir and an Ansaari. The bond would become so strong that one night would be too long for each of the two until he met his brother and enquired about his condition. As for those with whom no bond was forged, not even 3 days wouldn’t pass without them getting to know what happened to his brother (Hayaatus Sahaba).


Today visiting, entertaining and enquiring about one another has become a forgotten custom. We cannot continue to live as individuals. We can only achieve success and face up to the challenges of times if we do so collectively showing a united front. Nabi (SAW) has mentioned: The connection between Muslims is like that of a strong building. One part strengthens the other. He then illustrated this by interlacing the fingers of both his hands. (Bukhaari/Muslim). When we start to love one another, then we will draw the love of Allah. In a Hadeeth Qudsi it is narrated that Allah Taalah mentions: My love is incumbent for those who love one another for my sake. My love is incumbent for those who sympathize with one another for my sake. My love is incumbent for those who meet one another for my sake. My love is incumbent for those who spend on one another for my sake. They would be seated on pulpits of noor. The Prophets and Siddiqeen will envy them for their high rank. In other narrations it is stated that, my love is incumbent for those who sit for my sake and for those who are friends for my sake. (Muntakib Ahaadeeth)


Prime Spot!!!


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