Move forward collectively

September 21, 2007

Move forward collectively
By Ml Sulaiman Ravat

We live so many years after the golden era, yet we are fast, we awake late at night, our minarets echo with the oneness of Allah and our hearts rejoice at the sweetness of the Quran.

Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said; “Glad tidings to those who see me and believe in me, and glad tidings sevenfold to those who believe in me without seeing me. (Ahmed) Too often we simply give up overwhelmed by conditions. We feel hopeless and helpless. This is the ploy of Shaytaan to demoralize and defeat us.

We shouldn’t sell ourselves too short. Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam longed to meet us. One day he asked the Sahaba “When will I meet my brothers?” The Sahaba asked “Are we not your brothers O Rasul of Allah?” He replied “You are my companions. My brothers are those people who will believe me even though they won’t see me.”(Hayatus Sahaba)

Many of the happenings around the world today are the signs of Qiyaamah but we shouldn’t resign ourselves to the thought that we are doomed because Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said “There will always be a group in my Ummah who will uphold the command of Allah.”

We should Endeavour to seek out this group, be part of them and become like them, as Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has mentioned in another narration: This group will get a similar reward to that of the Sahaba.” This opportunity exists for us and will continue to exist till Qiyaamah.

The world is thirsty for solutions. We have the theory. It’s time for the practitioners to stand up; it’s time for the revolutionaries to stand up. We need to become Muslims with a mission, Muslims with an identity, and Muslims with a message for humanity.

Allah has declared “you are the best of the nations who have been raised for the benefit of humankind.” Best of nations means every Muslim, Aalim or not has been raised for humankind i.e. Muslims and non-Muslims. Here we all have a roll to play. Be it character shown in the business arena or in the interaction with our neighbours. If we fail in this duty, then not only will we be failing ourselves, and the Muslim Ummah but humanity at large.

Islam has the solution to the problems of the world. We need to take Islam to the people of the world. For this to happen we need to rekindle the Islamic brotherhood and move forward collectively as the Sahaba did coming out of the darkness of Jahiliyyah in the Arabian dessert and illuminating the world with the radiance of Islam. When the decline of the Roman and Persian superpowers started the Sahaba were preparing them to take over. The decline of the superpowers of today has started. Are we preparing ourselves?




Prime Spot!!!


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