The Road to the Muslim Holocaust

September 20, 2007
By Ghali Hassan

"We are being challenged by Islam these years – globally as well as locally. It is a challenge we have to take seriously. We have let this issue float about for too long because we are tolerant and lazy. We have to show our opposition to Islam and we have to, at times, run the risk of having unflattering labels placed on us because there are some things for which we should display no tolerance. And when we are tolerant, we must know whether it is because of convenience or conviction". Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, 15 April 2005.

Tolerance is a falsehood often pronounced with difficulty in all of Western societies. Small countries such as Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, and Norway are leading the pack in the war on Muslims at home, and may be on the road to encouraging a new Holocaust against humanity.

While these countries are part of the US-led coalition, which is responsible for the mass murder of Iraqis, they have also introduced discriminate and draconian immigration laws which are specifically directed against Muslims fleeing war and economic hardship. The pretexts are always the phantom of the "War on Terror".

Historically, Muslims have been at the receiving end of Western-Christian violence for centuries. Following the 9/11 attack on the USA, Western Europe joined the US in its anti-Muslim crusade: "We are all Americans now" united against Muslims. Although, 9/11 stills a mystery, it is used to legitimise a new form of Western-Christian fascism. Media pundits such as Christopher Hitchens and Daniele Pipes, who support the anti-Muslim ideology, are springing up like mushrooms all over the Western world. Using the cliché of "free speech", they are fuelling a vicious and violent war against Muslims around the world.

The recent blasphemous images of Prophet Mohammed SAW are nothing more than a campaign which promotes racism and violence. Islam is a peaceful religion, and Muslims are not "terrorists". The insult to Prophet Mohammed SAW, who is revered by over a billion people around the world, has nothing to do with "free speech". Had the Danish cartoonist shown instead George Bush and Tony Blair slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi women and children, he would have had lost his job by now and would be condemned by the same people who are barking about "free speech". Would any newspaper in Europe dare to discuss Europe's strict censorship laws of discussing the Holocaust?

In France, the situation is not much different. The French can be proud of their well-known anti-Muslims and anti-Arabs hatred. President Jacques Chirac has adopted Jean Marie Le Pen extremist and anti-Muslims policy, which has increased violence against Muslims and denying Muslim women the right to education and employment. According to the IHF report, the French Front National (an offshoot of fascism), stated publicly that France's Muslims "share an allegiance to a wider community of believers that threatens national sovereignty". Even Muslims, who were born in France, have no standing in the ideals of Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite, and the plague is spreading to neighbouring countries.

Thousands of Muslims have been arrested and screened by German police only because of "their profiles have matched basic criteria, including an affiliation with Islam", reveals the IHF report. The German state of Baden-Wurttemberg has enacted what is called the "Muslim test", in which Muslim applicants for citizenship are asked about their views on September 11, gay relationships and whether their teenage daughters are allowed to attend swimming classes. Can you imagine all Germans (in Baden-Wurttemberg) have exactly the same opinion on all three? "I am afraid we have not learned from our history. My main fear is that what we did to Jews we may now do to Muslims. The next holocaust would be against Muslims", Dr. Wolfram Richter, professor of economics at the University of Dortmund told Ziauddin Sardar of New Statesman magazine in Britain. It has always been easier to use crimes in order to commit even greater crimes.

Finally, in Australia, the draconian "anti-terror" laws are designed specifically to victimise Muslims. Indeed, young Muslim men have been thrown in Guantanamo-like prisons not because they committed crimes, but because they are Muslims. Some companies have closed their employment's doors to Muslim Australians and migrants from Muslim backgrounds. In addition, the army of commentators in the Australian media – one of the most controlled in the world – are accusing the police of "softly" treating Australians of the Middle Eastern backgrounds. This deliberate falsehood is designed not only to discredit the Police, but also to increase injustice and violence against Muslims.

Do Western Europeans want to repeat history's biggest crime against humanity? It is the duty of every civilized citizen to point a finger at any form of racism and violence against minorities. Our duty is to reject opportunist monarchs, politicians, the media, celebrities and anyone trying to manipulate the public and breed racism and violence.


Prime Spot!!!


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