Separation of Islam from real life leads to anarchy

September 20, 2007
By Prof. Anwar Ul Haque

Islam is the most misunderstood religion. Islam is the obedience of the Creator which our every cell is doing. Every electron is rotating according to Allah's order. Your heart and my heart is beating due to Allah’s orders. Even if you want to die you can not die without Allah's orders. This is Islam. Allah has given us the choice in a few matters but He has guided us in the form of Islam (Quran and His final messengers). Wise are those who apply Allah's guidance in those matters too.

Yes, man discovers but who directs man? Several good and unbiased westerners have recognized this power of Islam which disciplines human mind and takes human mind out of mythology and superstitions. Islam is 180 degree opposite to mythology and superstitions. Not only the Islam of Muhammad (PBUH) but the Islam of Moosa (Moses) PBUH also told the human beings not to follow Jibt (Superstition) and to stand firm against Ta'ghoot (false gods like Pharoah, etc.). When the children of Israel did not obey the command, they were severely punished. Due to influence of Quran, the Muslims shunned all Greek mythology and actually started measuring and weighing. Soon they were discovering orbits of the stars. From Steel, cheap paper, mirrors, numerous chemicals, Arabic numbers, zero, algebra, logarithm, and decimal systems etc. Muslims made great in-roads. They laid the foundation of all modern sciences. They originated Hospitals and the Universities.

It can be safely said that behind every invention today is Quran. It was Quran which produced Ibn-e-Seena (Father of modern Medicine). It was Quran which produced Qasim Az-Zahrawi, it was Quran which produced Al-Baironi, and it was Quran which produced Ibn-e-Haitham (The father of modern physics) it was Jabir Bin Hayan who founded modern Chemistry and Laboratory sciences.

When there were 100 hospitals in Qurtubah (Cordoba) there was none in the entire Europe. The first hospitals in Non Muslim Europe were created 300 years after Qurtubah. Ibn-e Sina's Qanoon Fit Tib was in medical curricula of Europe of 600-700 years and same was true for At-Tasreef of Az-Zahrawi (The book of surgery). Zahrawi used cat gut; inhalation anaesthesia and laparoscope etc. 1000 years back and invented many surgical instruments.

A real currency buys you something worthwhile while a fake currency may lead you to jail. Separation of Islam from real life will lead to anarchy (Changaziat, as well said by Iqbal) as can be witnessed in Europe today. While all fake ideologies cause retardation of science, the true religion which now is Islam and always had been Islam leads to a balanced growth of soul, mind, body on one hand and individual and society on the other hand.


Prime Spot!!!


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