September 19, 2007

Health Matters
Health is a thing which causes a person’s heart to remain satisfied. The result of this is that the person is greatly motivated in fulfilling acts of ibâdah and other good deeds. When he experiences the benefit of eating and drinking, he expresses his gratitude to Allâh Ta’ala. When his body is strong, he is able to do good work and be of service to others. Furthermore, he is able to fulfil the rights of those who have rights over him. Taking the necessary steps to acquire a healthy body with the above-mentioned goals in mind is therefore an act of ibâdah and considered to be a religious act. It is more important for women to have knowledge of these things because their children are brought up under their care and supervision. Children do not have any knowledge about things that would benefit them or cause harm to them. When women do not have any knowledge of these (health) matters, their children fall ill on account of their (the mothers) carelessness. Even if the children are able to study and learn, their knowledge is affected (on account of ill health). Furthermore, the sickness of the children or of the wife places the men under great stress. It is their money that is spent for the doctor’s fees and medication. In short, there is nothing but harm. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has urged us to seek a cure and to take care of our bodies. We are therefore writing a few necessary facts in this regard.


The easterly wind is harmful to injuries and wounds. It causes further weakness and debility to a weak person. One should protect oneself from this wind when one is injured, has any wounds, or is in a purgative situation. One should wear double (or thick) clothing when this wind blows.

The southerly wind is generally hot. It loosens or opens the pores. Those who have recovered from a sickness should protect themselves from this wind. If not, there is the possibility of that sickness returning to them.

Do not allow dust and mud to accumulate in the house. This also causes the air to become harmful. As far as possible, try and keep the toilet, bathroom and scullery far from the places in which you spend most of your time (i.e. try and keep them far from the bedroom, lounge, dining-room, etc.). Some women are in the habit of allowing their children to urinate or relieve themselves anywhere and everywhere. If they display any caution, then the most they do is cover that place. This is a very uncivil and harmful act. The best thing to do would be to set aside a place for this (for example, a toilet). If not, set aside a utensil for this and make sure that it is cleaned immediately after the child has relieved himself.

Occasionally light some fragrant substance such as incense sticks, camphor, etc. in the house. During an epidemic, light sulphur or incense in every room of the house. Shut the windows properly so that these fragrances are more effective.

Ensure that you switch off the lights before going to bed. Be extra cautious if you have paraffin lamps because the harm of this is much greater. It (paraffin) causes the air to become dry and causes damage to the brains and eyes. In certain cases this has also caused death.

Don’t ever sit in front of a fire after having closed the house. In some instances this has resulted in the person being left breathless and being unable to open the window, thereby causing his death.

Keep away from the cold in winter. If you have to have a bath, ensure that you dry your hair immediately. If a person is “cold” by nature, he should drink tea, or eat some honey and black-seed.

Just as it is important to safeguard yourself from the cold winds, it is also necessary to do so from the hot winds. Wear thick coarse clothing at such times. Wash your head with purified sulphur in summer.


Always eat less than the extent of your hunger. If a person takes this into consideration, he will be saved from hundreds of sicknesses.

Eat less in spring. Try and fast occasionally as well.

Try and eat more “cold” foods such as cucumbers in summer. If you think it good enough, then obtain some medicine that is “cold” in nature and give it to the old and young according to their needs, eg. water-lily juice, lotus juice, or grape juice. Faluda is also very beneficial. By eating it, one is not affected by the “heat” of fresh grain. Popping a few sweet basil flower seeds would also have the same effect. Eat very little “hot” and dry foods such as potatoes, etc.

In autumn abstain from foods which cause an increase in black bile. Such foods include: oil, brinjal, beef, etc.

If possible, in winter one should eat foods and medicines that give strength so that one may be saved from many sicknesses throughout the year. Such foods include: half-boiled eggs and gâjar halwa (a sweetmeat made with carrots). A half-boiled egg is prepared in the following manner: wrap the egg in a thin cloth and dip it 100 times in boiling water. Alternatively, place it in boiling water for three minutes. Thereafter, place it in cold water for three minutes. Only the yolk of the egg should be eaten. Egg-white does not have much nutritional value.

As long as there is no real need, do not be in the habit of taking too many medicines. Try and manage minor sicknesses and ailments by reducing the consumption of food or by changing your diet.

These days many changes and lack of caution has crept into the different foods. This has led to many harms. We will therefore list a few beneficial and harmful foods:

Beneficial foods: half-boiled eggs, the meat of young pigeons, the meat of calves, mutton, lamb, quails, partridges, chicken, most wild birds, deer, white antelope, the meat of other hunted animals, fish, wheat bread, grapes, olives, pomegranates, apples, turnips, spinach, parsley, milk, jalebi, head (of animals), trotters. However, it should be noted that head and trotters cause the blood to thicken.

Harmful foods: Brinjal, radish, herbs of black-leaved mustard, the beef of an old cow, carrots, dried meat (biltong will also be included in this), the meat of a duck, beans (this refers to thin and long green beans), black pulse (masoor), oil, molasses or treacle, sour foods.

When we say that such foods are harmful, it does not mean that one should abstain from them totally. If a person is ill, he should abstain from them completely. If he is not sick, he can eat a little depending on his natural inclinations and temperament. There is no harm in eating them if the person is strong and is used to such foods. In certain places it is the habit of giving various types of foods to a woman who is in her confinement. At times they give her a type of pulse, at other times they give her beef, while at times they give her esculent vegetables which are very heavy on the system. This is a bad habit. One has to be extremely cautious during such times (i.e. while in confinement or while ill, etc.). It is for this reason that we have listed the harmful foods.

We will now explain the characteristic of each of the above-mentioned harmful foods:

Brinjal: It has hot and dry properties. It has very little nourishment. It is extremely harmful to people suffering from piles and those who have a melancholic temperament. If a lot of ghee is added to it and it is eaten with vinegar, a balance could be reached.

It has hot and dry properties. Its leaves have hotter properties. It is harmful to the head, throat and teeth. It takes long to digest. However, other foods are digested through it. It has a certain amount of benefit for those suffering from piles. It has hot properties. However, if a cumin seed marinated in vinegar is added to it, its harms are decreased. It is beneficial to the spleen especially if it has been marinated in vinegar.

Black leaves of the mustard plant:
It has hot properties. It is extremely harmful to those who have kidney problems. If it is eaten in pregnancy, there is the possibility of the baby dying.

Water chestnut
: It also has hot properties.

Beef of an old cow: It has hot and dry properties. It causes the blood to thicken and results in the formation of weak blood. It causes the formation of black bile. It is harmful to those suffering from scabies, piles, hysteria, spleen problems, and those who have a melancholic temperament. If it is cooked with the peel of musk-melons and black pepper, its harms are reduced. However, it does not cause great harm to those who are very active. In fact, it makes one healthier than what goat meat would do. However, caution is necessary when one is ill.

Duck meat:
It has hot and dry properties and takes long to digest. However, its harms are reduced when mint is added to it. Aquatic ducks are not as harmful as domesticated ducks.

It has hot and wet properties and takes long to digest. However, it prevents a light fever and provides cheerfulness. It is for this reason that some people say that it has cold properties. By cooking it in meat its harms are reduced. Its jam is very beneficial. It gives strength to the womb. Pregnant women should be extremely cautious in eating it because it causes bleeding.

Beans: They have hot and wet properties. They take very long to digest thereby causing one to have bad dreams. By having them with vinegar and cinnamon, their harms are reduced. However, pregnant women should never eat them.

Black pulse (masoor):
It has dry properties. It is harmful to those who suffer from piles, those who have weak stomachs, and those who have a melancholic temperament. Its harms are reduced by adding extra ghee to it or by mixing it with vinegar.

Oil: It has hot properties. It causes an increase in black bile. It is harmful to those who have a melancholic temperament. Its harms are reduced when it is mixed with esculent vegetables that have cold properties.

Molasses: It has hot properties. It causes an increase in black bile.

Sour foods: Eating excessive sour foods causes harm to the sinews and tendons. They speed up the process of old age. Women should be extremely cautious. This is especially so during pregnancy, confinement and the common cold. If anything sweet is added to sour foods, the harms are decreased.

Certain foods are such that if they are eaten individually, there is no harm in them. However, when they are eaten with other foods, they are harmful. In other words, as long as there is only one type of food in the stomach, it will not be harmful. The hakeems (doctors specialising in herbal medicines) say that it is sufficient to allow a gap of three hours (between one food and another). They also say that anything sour or acidic should not be eaten with milk. Similarly, betel leaves should not be eaten after drinking milk. If one does this, the water that is present in the milk separates itself from the milk in the stomach. Milk and fish should not be consumed together as there is the fear of being stricken by paralysis and leprosy. Do not consume milk and rice together with sattoo (finely crushed wheat or barley dish). Water should not be drunk with oily or fatty substances. Do not keep oil or ghee in a non-tinplated utensil. Do not eat food that has been cooked in a bell-metal utensil (aluminium utensils are also not recommended). Food that has been cooked in clay pots is the best. Do not drink water after having eaten guavas, cucumbers, musk-melons, water-melons and other green fruit. Do not eat head and trotters with grapes.

Do not eat food that is very hot. Drinking cold water after having eaten hot food is very harmful to the teeth.

Un-sifted flour is better than sifted white flour. Food should be thoroughly chewed. At the same time, one should eat quickly. Eating very slowly causes harm to the process of digestion.

Do not sleep while you are very hungry. At the same time, do not sleep immediately after eating. Allow at least two hours between eating and sleeping.

As long as the food is not digested, do not eat again. If at least two hours pass and you find that you are feeling a bit “light”, there will be no harm in eating after this.

Points to remember:

If you are constipated at any time, make sure that you treat it. The simplest treatment is that you should not eat any bread. Instead, eat some soup that has been prepared with meat fat. If this does not work, you will have to obtain some medication.

If you pass stool that is softer than usual, make sure that you treat this as well. Reduce the consumption of meat fat (and other fatty foods) and eat grilled meat. However, if you experience diarrhoea or severe constipation, make sure that you visit the doctor.

Do not go to pass stool immediately after eating. But if there is an urgent need to do so, there will be no harm in this.

Don’t ever hold yourself when there is a need to relieve yourself. Holding back oneself at such times results in various sicknesses.


Do not drink water immediately after waking up from your sleep, nor should you go outside into the open immediately after waking up. If you are very thirsty, then the best way to drink would be by holding your nose. Take one sip at a time and once you have finished drinking, continue holding your nose for a little while and do not breathe in through your nose. In the same way, do not drink water immediately after having walked in the heat. This is more so for the person who has suffered a heat stroke. If he drinks a lot of water, he can die immediately. In the same way, water should not be drunk on an empty stomach, nor should one drink water immediately after having passed stool.

Do not drink salty or hot water. Rain water is the best. However, the person who has a cough or suffers from asthma should not drink rain water. At times you may notice that certain water has been mixed with some oily substance. Such water is extremely harmful. If you wish to improve the purity of harmful water, boil it till three quarters of the total is left, allow it to cool, strain it (or filter it) and then drink it.

Always cover the utensil which is used to store water. In fact, try and cover the tumbler with a fine cloth so that whenever you drink from it, you will be drinking strained water.

Ice is harmful to the kidney. Women should be particularly cautious in this regard and try not to make a habit of eating ice. Water that has been cooled in saltpetre is much better.

Don’t ever laugh while eating and drinking. At times this can cause death.

Work and Relaxation

Do not relax so much that it causes you to gain weight and laziness overtakes you. Don’t let it happen that you are found in bed most of the time while leaving your domestic tasks to others. This is because too much of relaxation affects the fulfilment of domestic tasks and at times also causes sicknesses. At the same time, do not overwork to the extent that you fall ill. Instead, you should use your hands, feet, and the rest of your body in a moderate way. The method for this is that you should do all your work quickly. Abandon the habit of laziness. Adopt the habit of walking in the house for a little while. If there is no fear of anyone seeing you outside, walk around outside. Alternatively, if you live in a double-storey house, go upstairs and come down a few times. Also try to use the spinning wheel and millstone or grinding stone. We are not saying that you should start earning money through this (i.e. grinding wheat and other products), although there is nothing wrong with that. However, it is necessary for you to take care of your health. In undertaking such manual tasks, one remains healthy. Look at those women who work hard in such manual tasks and see how strong and healthy they are. As for those who seek relaxation all the time, they are constantly under some medication or the other. Such work is also known as exercise. Do not engage in any exercise for about three hours after a meal. When you commence exercising, continue until you begin perspiring or you begin gasping for breath. Once this happens, stop exercising.

Swinging small children on a swing is a good form of exercise for them.

Make it a habit of waking up early in the morning. In fact, you should try and offer the tahajjud salât daily. In doing so, one remains very healthy.

Do not sleep unnecessarily in the afternoon. However, if you feel tired or sleepy, there is no harm in this.

It is also necessary to engage in some sort of mental work. If one does not take any work from one’s brain, this causes an increase in moisture in the brain and one becomes dim-witted. And the person who over taxes his brain and is always in deep thought, causes dryness to his brain which leads to weakness. It is therefore preferable to estimate the amount of work prior to undertaking it. Be in the habit of reading and teaching. Recite the Qur’ân daily. Try and read some book or the other. Always think over matters. Do not become so angry that you lose control over yourself. At the same time do not be so tolerant that you are unable to maintain any discipline. Do not become so happy to the extent that you feel that you are not in need of Allâh, or to the extent that you forget His power. If He wishes, He can destroy all your happiness in a single moment. At the same time do not become so sorrowful that you forget the mercy of Allâh. If anything afflicts you, turn your attention towards something else – occupy yourself in some other task. All these things can cause sicknesses, if not death. If you have to inform someone of something that would cause him extreme happiness and this person happens to be weak-hearted, then do not inform him all at once. First ask him as to how he would feel if a certain wish or task of his is fulfilled. Thereafter inform him that you are trying to ensure that it is fulfilled and there is hope of it being fulfilled. Thereafter inform him there and then or after a few hours that his task has been fulfilled. In the same way, do not give any sad news all at once. If you have to inform anyone of the death of a certain person, commence by saying that so-and-so person was ill, his condition was quite critical and death will approach everyone at some time or the other and that he passed away through the decree of Allâh.

Note: When a woman is ill, or once life is given to the baby that is in her womb, it is harmful for her to have relations with her husband.

Medical treatment and Tawakkul

Allâh Ta’âla has created a cure for every sickness. It is through Him that the medicine has an effect. If He wishes, the medicine will be beneficial. And if He does not wish, the medicine will not help in any way. Thousands of different medicines may be used but they will not help (if Allâh does not wish so). Therefore, one should not have this belief that a certain medicine cures and another does not. It is Allâh who cures. If He wishes you to be cured immediately, He will place the cure in that medicine. If not, the medicine will not help. We have been ordered to seek the cure. We do this by placing full trust in Him. It is for this reason that we make dua to Him alone. As for that person who has complete trust in Allâh and does not seek any medical treatment, no evil thoughts will enter his mind. He will express gratitude to Allâh all the time. It is permissible for such a person not to seek any medical treatment. However, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had sought medical treatment and also showed us the benefits of certain medicines. It is therefore preferable to seek medical treatment but at the same time the person should exercise patience and express gratitude to Allâh. Furthermore, the person should have full conviction that Allâh Ta’âla loves us more than what our own mothers love us. Whatever He does is solely for our benefit. When we are afflicted by any sickness, our sins are wiped out. When we exercise patience, our stages are increased and calamities are withheld from us. Whatever pride and arrogance that we may have is decreased and we realize our dependence on Allâh Ta’âla. Previously, a person may have been very independent. When he falls ill, he realizes his dependence on others for every little thing. When he was healthy and strong he may have not valued his health. Once he falls ill, he realizes the importance of health, appreciates it and later expresses his gratitude. In short, illness is a source of mercy for us Muslims. In fact, it is a great bounty from Allâh Ta’âla. At the same time, it is a great test and trial from Allâh Ta’ala. We have to exercise patience, express our gratitude and consider everything to be the decree of Allâh. We should not express evil words against Allâh Ta’âla and whatever He has decreed. At times such words could cause us to become devoid of Imân. Just think, that here is the person who has borne so many difficulties (for which he would have been rewarded) but has allowed all the rewards to be snatched away from him. He has spent some money (on medication), but because of the evil words that he has uttered, he lost his Imân, lost the world, and lost his Dîn. If, Allâh forbid, he does not repent and passes away in this state, he has lost his entire life earnings of Imân on account of a little suffering. May Allâh save us from this.

On the other hand, if we muster some courage and say to ourselves that if Allâh wishes this (sickness) for us, we are prepared to lose this life of ours and we do not utter a single word. If death overtakes us in such a state, what great rewards we will receive from that Being who gave us so much without even asking. How much more He will reward us (on account of our patience)! And if we recover from that sickness, we would regain our health, maintain the rewards that we received (for exercising patience) and also receive great stages (in jannah) – there will be no decrease in all these rewards. At the same time, we will still have our Deen and dunya with us.

When we feel perplexed, why should we not make dua to Allâh? He is the one who will inspire the doctor to be attentive towards us. He is the one who will cause the medicine to be effective. And if He wishes, He is the one who can cure us without any medication whatsoever. In short, sickness is a bounty from Allâh. However, because there is a great test and trial in it, and because there is the fear of one even losing one’s Imân on account of it, it is not permissible to hope or to make dua for a sickness to afflict us.

Factors to be taken into consideration when seeking medical treatment

Medication should not be taken for trivial sicknesses. Such sicknesses could be treated by changing one’s diet, walking about, change in environment, etc. For example, if you have a headache on account of being in hot air, sit in a place where there is a cool breeze. If your stomach is feeling heavy on account of eating, skip one or two meals. If your head is paining on account of lack of sleep, then sleep. If you are feeling lazy on account of excessive sleep, then sleep less. If you engaged in excessive mental work and this resulted in dryness in your brain, reduce your work load and give the brain a rest. When such measures do not help, opt for medication.

Do not be distraught irrespective of how serious the sickness may be. By becoming distraught, the entire treatment is affected. Treatment should be sought with great tranquillity and peace of mind.

Do not get into the habit of taking laxatives, vomiting, and in cupping the blood. In other words, do not get into the habit of doing these things every year without any real need to do so. If you are in the habit of taking laxatives, try stopping this habit in the following way: when the time of taking the laxatives approaches, reduce your food intake and engage in more exercises. Take some medication that would loosen your stool slightly (provided it is not a laxative). Even if you do not feel good during the days when you normally take the laxatives, do not worry about it and delay in taking the laxative. In this way, you will abandon this habit.

Do not take very strong medication without any real need to do so. The disadvantage of such medicines is that if they are not suited to you, they will cause great harm as well. Do not take harâm and impure medicines, nor should you apply them to your body.

If you have to take a particular medicine over a period of time, then occasionally try and skip taking it for one-two days. Alternatively, change it for some other medicine. This is because once you get into the habit of taking a particular medicine, it will no longer have any effect on you.

As long as a certain type of food is sufficient, do not opt for any medication.

Be extremely cautious when taking any medicine. Ensure that you take it exactly as it has been prescribed. Do not increase or decrease the dose on your own.

If you purchase any medicine, show it to the doctor first. If he says that it would be harmful for you, exchange it.

When it comes to medication for the heart, kidneys, brain, lungs, eyes, and other delicate organs, do not use medicines that are very strong, that have cold properties, which are assimilated very quickly, or which are poisonous. However, if there is a dire need to use such medicines, there is no alternative but to use them.

When seeking treatment, ensure that you go to a doctor who is knowledgeable, experienced, makes a thorough examination, and does not prescribe any medicine without pondering and thinking over the matter. Furthermore, he does not rush into prescribing laxatives. Do not be deluded into going to a particular doctor merely because he is very famous.

When ill, consider prevention (or abstinence) to be better than medication. However, if you are absolutely healthy, do not be abstinent. Eat whatever you wish in accordance with the season. However, do not eat more than you can. If your stomach feels “heavy”, skip a few meals.

Seeking medical treatment is necessary for every sickness. However, there are certain sicknesses which need special care. This is specifically so with children. Such sicknesses are: colds, coughs, pain in the eyes, pleurisy, indigestion, diarrhoea, colic pains, hernia, a lack or increase of menstruation, a fever that is continuous or which is experienced after a meal, being bitten by an animal or human, consuming a poisonous substance, palpitation of the heart, dizziness, palpitation of the body in different places, paralysis or numbness of the entire body, feeling extremely hungry very often, not feeling any hunger at all, feeling very sleepy very often, insomnia, perspiring profusely, not perspiring at all, or the occurrence of any other thing which is contrary to one’s normal life. When this happens, the person should immediately understand that some sickness or the other is approaching. He should therefore go to the doctor and seek the necessary treatment. He should not allow any disorder in his diet.

When getting your pulse checked, ensure that your stomach is not too full nor too empty. When the stomach is empty, one feels restless (thereby causing a change in the pulse rate). Furthermore, one should not be very sad nor very happy. One should not check one’s pulse immediately after waking up from one’s sleep, after being awake for a very long period, after engaging in physical work or after having walked a long distance. Have your pulse checked while being in any of the following postures: in the squatting position, while lying down, sitting on a stool, or sitting on the edge of a bed with your legs dangling. Do not sit in such a position whereby you put a strain on a certain part of your body. Do not support yourself on any of your hands, nor should you place a pillow under you. Do not hold anything with the hand that you have offered to be checked. Do not extend that hand completely, nor fold it completely. Instead, the hand should touch your ribs and be slightly loose (not stiff). Do not hold your breath. Do not fear the doctor as this causes a difference in the pulse rate. If you wish to have your pulse checked while lying down, do not lie on your side. Instead, lie flat on your back.

When having your urine tested, bear the following factors in mind: it must be tested when you have slept and awoken according to your norm and that you have not eaten or drunk anything as yet. By eating green esculent vegetables, one’s urine becomes greenish. By eating saffron, it becomes yellowish. By applying henna, it becomes reddish. It becomes yellowish or reddish due to the following factors: fasting, lack of sleep, exhaustion, extreme hunger and holding back one’s urine. At times it turns white on account of remaining awake for long hours. By drinking excessive water, it becomes light in colour. A urine test is of no use after having taken purgatives or laxatives. A urine test will be most effective if it is taken twelve hours after a meal. If the urine is to be tested in the morning, do not eat to your stomach’s full the previous night. The urine test of a woman who has recently given birth is of no use. If a person has passed urine several times at night, a urine test the following morning is of no use. If a person urinates and keeps that urine for more than six hours before it can be tested, it will be of no use. At times, such urine is rendered useless even before six hours. In other words, once you notice a change in its colour or smell, there is no use in having it checked.

Do not change doctors unnecessarily. Keep the doctor happy by carrying out whatever he orders. If you do not gain any benefit from him, do not accuse him. If you give him anything in return for his treatment (either in cash or kind), do not consider yourself to have done him a great favour.

Do not be too strict on the sick person. Accommodate his harshness and hot temper. Do not mention things that would cause him to lose hope irrespective of how serious his condition may be. Continue consoling him.


Prime Spot!!!


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