Book of “Silence”

September 19, 2007

Book of “Silence”
Written by Zohra Moosa (Deaf Poet)

I’m fully aware of what’s happening with those people who can hear. Some people are ungrateful and take everything for granted. Also many young people like my age who can hear are living on drugs, going to nightclubs, etc because they are bored or depressed or have problems but they are so “blind”; of which I feel so sad – I must confess that they are so fortunate as they can hear and can do better things than myself – I feel very sad absolutely sad, I wish I had a Muslim Sign Language Interpreter so I can teach them or show them how to change their lives.

Alas! Although I am struggling to cope in this world, I still face a great hardship, daily I pray for more strength and Allah’s closest companionship. To be very honest, I am a very lonely person and I am very disappointed and devastated with the Muslim brothers and sisters because they only concentrate on certain aspects of Islam and neglect other aspects. (I know all people are not like this, but many are blind to us) Muslims especially neglect disabled people, I am yearning to have a Muslim Sign Language Interpreter so that I can preach Islam, I know that I am capable of doing it through sign language. There are many interpreters for Deaf people but not Muslim interpreters. I feel helpless and tried in many ways; I have now resigned myself to the Help of Allah Alone. I am trying my best to be a good true Muslim and wish to be of service to my Muslim community.

To my Muslim brothers and sisters, Hearing is truly a miraculous gift of the human body. You are able to hear the words of the Quran. You can make out the difference between the recitals of the different qari’s. How wonderful! Appreciate it, listen to it and recite these glorious words, as the Deaf only hear the silence of the Divine words of our Gracious Creator. Us deaf people, appreciate these words by seeing His Words in the Quran and reciting them, not knowing whether they are said correctly or not. You can hear the melodious echoes of the azaan over the minarets of the masjids. O Muslims! Respond to the Voice of this call, as we the Deaf, will never know what it sounds like. Appreciate the gift of sound that our Gracious Creator has given you, Make Shukr for it and use it to respond to his commands to please HIM.

Only Allah is the Judge! Surely I will make dua for all of you!

Three Beautiful Senses!
You hear the doorbell
I see the flashing lamp
You hear the words over the telephone
I watch the words on the screen
You hear human voices
I watch the interpreter’s sign
You hear the joyous greetings
I feel the friendly hands
You hear the sound of laughter
I see a joyous smile
You hear the anger of voice
I see the awful expression

You hear the howling of winds
I watch the leaves swaying and falling
You hear the stormy nights
I watch the heavy downpour with bright lightning
You hear the angry wild waves
I watch the frothy water that breaks against a rock
You hear the melody music
I feel the catchy beats
You hear the cheerful chirping birds
I watch them flying gracefully

You hear
the words
the sounds of nature
of human voices

I see the expressions
I feel the sounds
I watch the actions
I see,
I feel,
I watch.

Three beautiful senses!





Prime Spot!!!


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