ITIKAAF, helping another

September 14, 2009
Ibn Abbas (RadhiAllaho anho) reports that, while he was once in "I'tikaaf" in the Masjid Nabawi (Prophet's mosque), a certain man came to him, greeted him and sat down. Ibn Abbas said to him, 'I see that you seem sad and troubled." The man replied: "Yes. O son of the uncle of Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), I am indeed troubled in that I have an obligation to fulfil towards someone. I swear by the holiness of the inmate of this honoured resting place (Rasulullah's (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) grave) that I am not able to fulfil this obligation." Ibn Abbas inquired: "Shall I intercede with that person on your behalf?" The man replied "By all means, if you so wish." Ibn Abbas put on his shoes and proceeded out from the mosque. The man, seeing this, said: "Have you then forgotten that you are in "I'tikaaf?" Tears filling his eyes, Ibn Abbas replied: 'No, but the occasion is still fresh in my mind when I heard the esteemed inmate of this tomb say:

"Whoever sets forth in the way of settling a necessary affair on behalf of his brother, that service shall be better for him than to perform "I'tikaaf" for ten years; and whosoever performs "I'tikaaf" for a day (thereby seeking the pleasure of Allah, Allah will spread three trenches between him and the fire of Hell, the width of each trench being greater than the distance between Heaven and the Earth."

Two things are clear from this Hadith. In the first place, we are told that, by way of reward for one day's 'I'tikaaf', Allah spreads three trenches between him and the fire of "Jahannam", the width of which equals the distance between the Heavens and the Earth. In Kashful Ghummah, Allaama Sha'raani relates a Hadith wherein Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: "Whoever performs "I'tikaaf" for the final ten days of Ramadhan; for him is the reward of two Hajj and two Umrahs; and whoever performs "I'tikaaf" from 'Maghrib' until Eshaa, doing nothing except performing "Salaat" and reciting the Qur'an, Allah will prepare a place for him in "Jannah."

In the second place, we are told that performing a service for one's brother brings a reward greater than ten years of "I'tikaaf". For this reason, Ibn Abbas (RadhiAllaho anho) broke off his "I'tikaaf"; it was of course possible for him to continue it afterwards. The Sufis say that Allah has such sympathy for very few things as He has for a broken heart. It is for this reason that we have been so much warned of the Appeals to Allah of that person whose heart has been hurt through any unjust treatment or persecution. Whenever the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) appointed anyone as a governor, in addition to advising him, he would also warn him to beware of the invocation (to Allah) of the persecuted. Note that "I'tikaaf" terminates when one leaves the mosque even for a task on behalf of a fellow Muslim. When that "I'tikaaf" is "Waajib", it will mean that it has to be performed all over again. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ?layhi Wasallam) never left the mosque during "I'tikaaf", except for the calls of nature and "Wudhu". As for Ibn Abbas (Radhi Allaho anho) leaving the mosque to do some favour to a friend, it was in the spirit that is reminiscent of the soldier lying near death on the battle field of Yarmouk, refusing to drink water until his wounded comrade had been given the drink. On the other hand,it is quite possible that Ibn Abbas (Radhi Allaho anho) was performing "Nafl "I'tikaaf", in which case it was permissible for him to break it off.


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