Our Beloved prophet Muhammad Sallallah Alayhi Wa Sallam was a great blessing on humankind, for he was a living example of the Quran. We need to follow his example. Once it is maintained that he never supported violence as a solution to disagreements and neither did he discourage questioning and debate, we can set off on a peaceful note, in a friendly and cooperative atmosphere. Once that is achieved, it should be accepted that, no matter what, disagreements will inevitably arise. But we must tell ourselves that it is not just the other person disagreeing with us, but in fact, we too are disagreeing with him. So, if we want him to respect us and not to curse us, we must also avoid dispatching those feelings towards him.
We must tell ourselves: we are sincere in our approach even though we disagree with the other person, and so must he be sincere, even though he disagrees with us. None of us is Allah, and so, neither of us can claim absolute truth. Rather, we can together arrive at the truth. And for that, we must present arguments from within the Quran and from our prophet’s example to support our stance, and the same must be done by the other person’. So long as this process is peaceful, whether we reach a conclusive and mutual stance or not, we will learn to appreciate, respect and love our equals. Remember, all men are Allah’s creation. We cannot afford arrogance. On a more extreme note, such ill-feelings can lead to man-slaughter, and one should know what the Quran has to say on such a vicious crime: the killing of one human being is equivalent to the killing of the whole of humankind.
Thus, every Muslim scholar or not must learn to respect others as equals and to live in harmony with them. That is the only way to a strong bond, and that is the only way in which we can help and be helped when in need. Otherwise, we naturally end up getting so frustrated and confused, that merging religious ideals with any other branch of life sounds meaningless and insignificant. As a result, our preferences change and the state of being Muslim or the state of adherence to Islam, cripples down to being a virtual nothing in the face of other, more important’ considerations. And once the loud pledges and rhetoric is skipped, one will realize that that is exactly how Muslim countries today are treating each other directly or indirectly. And countries will change if groups and organizations within that country change themselves. These groups will resort to re-thinking their mission statements only if they feel the power of the general public adhering to Islamic norms, rules and regulations. Remember, thus, that it is in our hands. We are the general public. One man can change the world. And indeed, one Muslim can be the voice to awaken the Ummah.
On a very, very personal note, we can start by acting consciously, devoid of biases, in our day-to-day lives. When in school or at work, we must take care not to offend or write-off another person just because we score better or have a higher ranking. We must carefully listen to them, for they might have something to offer. If we disagree, then we must realize that we have, as a result, accorded them a right to hear why their understanding is not acceptable to us. This should be politely done.
Furthermore, when making decisions of strategic importance, we must award higher priority to Islamic ethics and to rights of others. Everything else should be given secondary importance. If you have the option to cheat and acquire a good grade over some assignment or examination, then dismiss that as an option and settle for honestly done work and a less celebrated grade. It may hurt in the beginning, but eventually, as our thinking patterns change, the determinants of our utilities will also change, and such small acts will bring significant satisfaction.
As you become more and more obsessed with such acts of nobility, you will be inclined to call yourself a Muslim more than anything else, regardless of what your family and friends maintain. In fact, you will have this burning desire to bring your loved ones to feel the excitement of belief that you will feel in yourself. And for that, try to help them and make them realize the spiritual benefits of being a Muslim.