Neelam Rahim |
2-minute read
20 April 2023 | 15:27 CAT
Section27 and Blind SA, in partnership with Nal’ iBali, are launching a storybook called Crossing the Road. Crossing the Road puts the focus on the barriers to accessible reading formats.
Launched ahead of World Book and Copyright Day, which takes place on Sunday, 23 April 2023, the storybook seeks to promote literacy for people with visual impairment. It is launched at Sibonile School for the Blind in collaboration with learners and Judge Yacoob.
The book arose as an affidavit by Judge Yacoob to Blind SA’s application to the Constitutional Court in 2022.
Blind SA’s Jace Nair highlighted the need for a book that crosses the barriers between those violating the rights of blind and visually impaired persons.
He said the book inspires not only blind and partially sighted children but children attending mainstream schools. This will highlight the barriers blind people face and how Judge Yacoob was able to overcome these barriers despite limitations.
The storybook is translated into 11 official languages, printed in braille and large print, and available online.
Crossing the Road is a children’s storybook which vividly recounts the incredible true-life story of Justice Zak Yacoob, a former Constitutional Court judge of South Africa who became permanently blind as a child. Set in his hometown of Verulam, in Kwa-Zulu Natal, the book authored by Kurt Ellis describes Justice Yacoob’s challenges at various stages throughout his life in accessing books in braille and how he rose above this to become a judge in the highest court of the land.
Listen to the full interview on Your World Today with host Annisa Essack.