Al Aqsa Week

February 13, 2023

Al Aqsa Week events occur around the world from Bayt al-Maqdis, to South Africa, Malaysia, Turkey, the United Kingdom and beyond.

Aqsa Week is a grassroots initiative with no overall single organiser.

What unites everyone is that Aqsa Week is to be marked in the week of 27 Rajab, a date often associated with Al-Isra Wal-Miraj every year. The global networking tool to promote Aqsa Week activities and content will be the hashtag #LoveAqsa.

At a time when Masjid al-Aqsa is in the eye of the storm, let us co-ordinate to amplify our love and concern for Masjid al-Aqsa to the world.

The purposes of Al-Aqsa Week are:

· Aqsa Week is to provide an awareness of Masjid al-Aqsa and to revive the heritage of Muslims.

· Aqsa Week is to reignite the devotion and love for a symbol of unity.

· Aqsa Week is to coincide with the 27th of Rajab, often associated historically with the Isra and Mi’raj. Rajab is the seventh month in the Islamic calendar. In 2023 Aqsa Week will be between 13-19 February.

· Aqsa Week is to create an international unity by all using the hashtag #LoveAqsa

· The Prophet’s Night Journey marks the linking of Makkah with Masjid al-Aqsa and the spiritual message of unity. It is the bringing together of all the Muslims irrespective of nationality and their differences for the promotion of justice. This incredible event should be used to highlight the importance of Masjid al-Aqsa.

For Al Aqsa Week this year we will focus on the great and Noble Prophets (Alayhimus Salaam) who were very closely associated with this Mubarak place.

If great personalities enrich a place, then al-Quds (Jerusalem) is second to none. The greatest Prophets (Alayhimus Salaam) have either lived in or passed by the blessed city of al-Quds (Jerusalem). Hence, the significance of al-Aqṣa Sanctuary and Palestine is further enhanced by both the presence of noble Prophets (Alayhimus Salaam) and major events that occurred during the lifetime of these great men.


Prime Spot!!!


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