Understanding Matric – Part 6

October 31, 2022

How can Parents Help

Acing exams isn’t just a matter of good study habits -parental support plays a major role in ensuring kids succeed as well.

A recent university study concluded that parents’ efforts towards their child’s educational achievement is crucial – playing a more significant role than that of the school or even the child.

With final exams coming up, parents can offer some much-needed help to their often stressed out kids – especially older ones.

There is no doubt that the final months of school can be hectic and stressful, not just for students but also for parents.

For students, the busyness and stress lie in the day-to-day exam realities, where students tend to ask themselves questions like; “Have I studied enough?” “Am I ready?” “What will I get for the exam?”

For parents, it’s helpful to be thinking about the bigger picture, the ‘end game’. There is no doubt that parent`s play a major part in supporting their child through the everyday stress of the exam period, your child is guided by teachers, counsellors and for some, other professionals and tutors. But, it is you who they turn to for balance – to help them manage their time, their health, their sleep patterns, their diets, their stress, their frustrations and anger, and even their ability to imagine a life beyond exams and school.

With that in mind, there are many ways parents can help their children during this time.

Remind them not to forget Islamic obligations

As important as finals are, make sure to remind your child to stay on top of their five daily prayers. As much as possible, pray with them. This will offer a nice break and moral support.

Make Dua for them in front of them

After praying together, raise your hands in Dua and out loud, ask Allah to bless them with success in their exams, and for the whole academic year. This will not only encourage them to do the same privately, but it will show that you care and that you are turning to the Ultimate Source of success for help, Allah.

Keep track of your child’s activities

It is important that parents keep track of their children’s school exam activities during this time.

The aim is to plan ahead with forethought to prevent any overloaded weeks of unnecessary anxieties. If any family functions are coming up that are unavoidable, make sure that your child knows about them and can plan ahead of time.

A balanced diet during the exam period

A balanced diet is vital for your child to feel well during exam periods. Parents should be mindful of their children’s nutrition during this time. Be mindful of your child not eating enough, or not eating often enough, or reaching for quick high-fat, high-sugar and high-caffeine foods and drinks, such as energy drinks, fizzy juice, sweets, chocolates, chips, and fast food during what is an already stressful period. The above eating habits can make children hyperactive, irritable, and moody. It is better that parents keep healthy snacks in the house and available for their children to take to school.

Get good sleep

Parents should remind their children to get good sleep. A good night`s sleep improves thinking and concentration. Encourage them to get a solid night’s sleep as far as possible. Most teenagers need about 8 hours sleep a night.

Be flexible around exam time

Parents should understand that things that would usually be done around the house may not be done at all or as well during this period.

Comfortable study area

Parents should ensure that their children have somewhere comfortable to study. This may mean putting yourself and other family members through a little of inconvenience by ensuring that they have quiet and uninterrupted time studying. Parents should talk to other adults and siblings in the house ahead of the exams so that they know what is expected of them and why, so that everyone in the house can be supportive during this time.

It’s normal to be anxious

It is important for parents to remind their children that nerves during exam time are expected and are natural. However, parents should remind their children that they will be less nervous when they are prepared, as this is an excellent way to put their nervousness and anxiety to good use.

Monitor anxiety levels

Parents should monitor their children’s anxiety levels because “too much anxiety though may mean that your child can’t study effectively. If anxiety is getting in the way of studying, encourage your child to do something more practical like practising a past paper. This way, your child will be able to get into a task straight away rather than sitting around worrying and not taking anything in, she says.

Send positive messages

Parents should send positive messages to their children to remind them of the things they cannot see, such as what they already know and the time they’ve put in so far to help them feel confident going into an exam.

Talk to someone

Parents should encourage their children to talk to a teacher or mentor at school, someone they are close to if they cannot speak to you as their parent.

Stay calm

Parents themselves need to stay calm because exams do not last forever, and they should remind their children of the same.



Prime Spot!!!


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