Who should be apart of the process when it comes to hiring teachers?

August 29, 2022

Yumna Moosa

Last week Dr Francois Naudé (founder of posted an article that touched on what should be a part of the hiring process when it came to teachers and stated students should be a part of this. He says, “when schools go through the recruitment process, it’s quite traditional in the sense that the adults make the decisions that the kids have to deal with”. Of course, this does not mean that students will be the only ones making the decisions. However, the doctor stated that he had seen positive results from schools implementing this technique.

But what does it mean to be a part of the process? The goteach founder explains, ” it depends on the uniqueness of the school and its regulations and policies. We don’t say the learners should be apart of it from the get-go, but they should be apart typically once the teacher needs to provide proof that they can teach.” He stresses that many teachers get employed without showcasing what they are like in an authentic classroom.

When asked if this would disadvantage the teacher in any way possible, he says that he can not see how this would impact an open-minded teacher. “A lot of the criticism we see today is that the teachers do not understand the learners, or they are teaching lessons in a way that does not resonate with the learners. Hiring a teacher that understand how to design a lesson that really engages kids, allows institutions to have educators who make an impact to their learners lives.”


Listen to the full interview on the Radio Islam International SoundCloud. 


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