Pillar of Support – Part 5

August 17, 2022

Pillar of Support

Comforting Nabi ﷺ after a Worrying Dream
The first form of wahi (revelation) received by Rasulullah ﷺ was true dreams. On one occasion, He ﷺ saw that a panel from the roof of his house was removed and a ladder made of silver was placed in the exact spot. Thereafter, two men descended towards him. He attempted to call out for help, but he was unable to speak. Eventually, they removed his heart, praised the purity thereof, purified it even further and then replaced it. Rasulullah ﷺ related this to Khadijah RA, who dispelled all possible worries by saying, “Be glad! Indeed, Allah only does good to you. This is goodness, so be happy.”[Al Khasa’s al Kubra (quoted from Al Sayyidah Khadijah)]

The Cave of Hira’
Rasulullah ﷺ would go into seclusion for a number of days in the Cave of Hira’, (which is approximately three miles from the Haram). There, he would worship Allah for a number of days. Khadijah RA did not stand in his way or complain about this. Rather, she sought his pleasure by packing for him provisions that would last him until his return. [Al Bukhari] Sometimes, she would deliver this herself to him. If his absence happened to be unusually lengthy, she would send some of her servants to look for him. [Subul al Huda and al Sirah li Ibn Hisham]

The Meeting with Jibreel Alayhis Salam
After the passing of some time, Jibreel AS appeared before Rasulullah ﷺ whilst he was in the cave of Hira’ and instructed him to recite. Rasulullah ﷺ responded by saying that he could not recite. Thereafter, Jibreel AS hugged him tightly and then instructed him once again to recite. Rasulullah ﷺ responded in the same manner as the first time. Jibreel AS hugged him tightly for a second time, and repeated his instruction. The response of Rasulullah ﷺ was the same as the first two times. Thus, Jibreel AS hugged him a third time and instructed,
ٱقْرَأْ بِٱسْمِ رَبِّكَ ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَ
“Read in the name of your Rabb…” (Al Alaq 96: 1) [Al Bukhari]

Rasulullah ﷺ was greatly shaken by this meeting and immediately rushed home to Sayyidah Khadijah RA. As he entered the house, he pleaded to her, “Cover me, Cover me!” Without any questions, she immediately complied with his plea. Once Rasulullah ﷺ regained his composure, she asked him as to what had transpired, whereupon he narrated to her the details of his meeting. Rasulullah ﷺ also informed her that he feared for his life. Her response was:

كلا و الله لا يخزيك الله ابدا انك لتصل الرحم و تحمل الكل و تكسب المعدوم و تقرى الضيف و تعين على نوائب الحق
و فى رواية و تصدق الحديث و تؤدى الامانة
Never! By the oath of Allah, Allah will never put you to shame! You join ties, help the weak, give to the poor, serve the guest, and you help when natural calamities befall.

Another narration adds:
You speak the truth and you fulfil your trusts. [Al Bukhari]
Regarding her reaction, Ibn Hajar R comments:

صدقته صلى الله عليه و سلم فى اول وهلة و من ثباتها فى الامر ما يدل على قوة يقينها ووفور عقلها و صحة عزمها
She believed Him ﷺ immediately. Her firmness upon the matter indicates the strength of her conviction, profoundness of her intelligence, and the high level of her determination. [Fat-hul Bari]


Prime Spot!!!


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